Star Ocean: The Divine Force, two new trailers released

Star Ocean: The Divine Force, two new trailers released

Star Ocean: The Divine Force – Nina Deforges and Midas Felgreed Featured in New Trailers. Square Enix has published two new trailers for Star Ocean: The Divine Force, focusing on two new characters.

Nina, being an Aucerian, has the ability to use healing magic. She devotes her life to finding a cure after her father dies from a dangerous disease. Midas is a semiomancer and engineer in the Aucerian Kingdom, therefore he’s a bit less aristocratic. He doesn’t mind breaking the law or violating ethics as long as he finishes what he begins.

Other characters disclosed by developer tri-Ace, in addition to protagonists Raymond and Laeticia, are Elena, Albaird, and Malkya. It also featured the Vyrians, a trio of antagonists who seek out D.U.M.A. for an unknown reason.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force will also have a more open-world framework, with protagonists able to glide through landscapes and leap across building tops. More information about the game will be released in the future.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force will be released on October 27th on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

You can view the two new trailers here:

Character Introduction Trailer: Nina Deforges

Character Introduction Trailer: Midas Felgreed

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Written by: verena smith

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