At the moment Massive is quite busy, there are daily server updates to The Division 2 as well as bug fixes and client patches. We’ll keep you informed here!
Note: If you are in the game, a message will always appear in the lower left corner when the servers go offline!
Server Offline, Restarts and Updates – The Division 2
May 9
Server Maintenance: The Division 2 had a server maintenance today, the servers are back online. There was no new content and no client patch.
May 28
Maintenance announced: In the official forum a server downtime was announced. On Tuesday May 28, the servers will be shut down at 15:00 PM CEST / 09:00 AM EDT / 06:00 AM PDT. The maintenance should take 2 hours. The Patch Notes can be found here.
May 15
Maintenance announced: In the official forum a server downtime was announced. On Thursday the May 16, the servers will be shut down at 15:00 PM CEST / 09:00 AM EDT / 06:00 AM PDT. The maintenance should take 3 hours.
May 14
Maintenance and TU3: Ubisoft shut down the servers, Title Update 3 & Patch 1.07 are released. Here you will learn all the details.
May 2
10:30 AM CEST – Maintenance: The The 2 servers are offline, maintenance is in progress! At 12:30 AM CEST / 06:30 AM EDT / 03:30 AM PDT o’clock the servers should be online again.
April 24
Maintenance Announced: On April 25 at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 00:30 AM PDT the servers of The Division 2 are shut down. Maintenance work is taking place, more details can be found here.
18th April
Maintenance: At 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT, the servers will be offline, maintenance will be performed, and a patch will be applied. Here is the patch notes. The servers will be offline for 3 hours.
April 16
Maintenance Announced: On 16.4. At 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT the servers of The Division 2 are shut down. Maintenance is in progress and Patch 2.1 is released. Preliminary patch notes can be found here.
April 12
Emergency Maintenance: The The Division 2 servers will be offline between 30 and 60 minutes, with maintenance scheduled to start at 1.30pm CEST.
10th April
Maintenance Announced: Maintenance and a patch have been announced for tomorrow, April 11th. Details can be found here.
April 5
Update 13:50 EDT: Ubisoft announces another server maintenance, The Division 2 servers will go offline for around 15 minutes on Saturday, April 6, around 10:00 AM CEST / 04:00 AM EDT / 01:00 AM PDT.
Update 07:30 AM EDT: The maintenance is over, the servers are back online.
Update 06:30 AM EDT: The downtime has been extended by 30 to 60 minutes. The Patch Notes 1.05 have been released, which you can find here.
Maintenance Tidal Basin Update: On April 5, the servers will go offline at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT. The servers should only be offline for about 3 hours.
April 1
Maintenance announced: On April 2nd, the servers will go offline at 09:30 AM CEST / 03:30 AM EDT / 12:30 AM PDT. The servers should only be offline for about 30 minutes.
March 29
10:00 EDT: Servers are offline for approximately 30 Minuntes. You can find details about this right here
March 28
05:30 EDT Update: Client Patch 1.04 is ready to Download.
05:00 EDT Update: Servers are offline for approximately 3 hours. Here you can find the patch notes for the update.
March 22
04:21 EDT Update: The servers will go offline at 4:30 AM ET, maintenance will be done and a patch will be installed. The servers will be offline for about 3 hours. Here are the patch notes for today’s update:
- Fixed an issue where players were not being granted Clan XP
- Fixed an issue where daily and weekly resets would not apply to players who were offline during the time of reset
- Fixed an issue where players could lose guiding missions and access to guiding mission NPCs, making them unable to further progress
March 18
05:42 EDT Update: The servers do not seem to be back online yet.
05:00 EDT: Incoming maintenance, at 10:15 PM CET / 5:15 PM EST / 6:15 AM KST / 8:15 ACT, approximately 15 minutes.
March 16
Update 07:10 EDT: Servers are online again, the following adjustments have been patched:
- Implemented a fix that should reduce occurrences of client crashes when using skills
- Fixed an issue where players could be stuck in the wrong World Tier if they completed Strongholds without meeting the required Gear Score while in a group
- Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t be able to talk to agent Kelso at the Castle Settlement
- Fixed an issue where players could obtain multiple Ivory Keys from the same source
- Fixed an issue where map progress would not be saved when completing Open World activities and Side missions in another players’ instance.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to loot Supply Drops multiple times
- Fixed a bug where players could buy blueprints repeatedly at the vendors by logging out and back in
- Fixed an issue where combining the Dialed in talent with the Emet Mask could lead to greatly increased Accuracy and Stability
06:00 EDT Update: At 11:00 AM CET / 06:00 AM ET / 03:00 AM PT the servers should go offline, Server Maintenance work is carried out, the downtime should last nearly 1.5 hours.
March 15
11:53 EDT Server Offline: Massive will reboot the server in few minutes.
March 14
Update: Massive has discovered a problem with the patch. Maintenance will be repeated in the near future.
Update: Today, the servers go down again. Expected for 20 minutes. That means.
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