A new Update for Valheim has arrived, today october 4th. We have the official patch notes for you.
Valheim Update 0.203.10 rebalanced Weapons, new fixes and adjustments. You can download and install the patch now to take advantage of all the improvements.
Valheim Patch Notes 0.203.10
- Oven & cookingstation drop food items when destroyed
- Gamepad sensitivity save fix
- Acorn & Birch seed drop rate increased
- Onion seed icon tweak
- Player number difficulty scale tweaks
- Removed comfort from Crystal wall
- Atgeir, Blackmetal axe, Bronze spear tweaks
- Lower melee weapon stamina drain
- Knives have more durability
- Tweaked some food stats based on effort to craft (blood pudding, boar jerky, bread, deer stew, mincemeat sauce, wolf jerky)
- Night-spawning monsters despawn faster in the morning
- Parry ranged attacks staggers caster again (illogical but fun)
- Fuling AI tweaks (Spreads out & circles more)
- Longer Lox attack cooldowns
- Frost damage slowdown fix
- Shield tutorial trigger fix for wood shields
- Wood log 26° & 45° stability fix
- Jack-o-turnip enabled
- Torch + weapon jog animation fix
We have the patch notes officially from Steam, here you can compare it.