Warframe Jovian Concord: Hotifx 25.1.1 Patch Notes

Warframe Jovian Concord: Hotifx 25.1.1 Patch Notes

Digital Extremes has released Hotfix 25.1.1 for Warframe, we have the full patch notes of this update.

The update has been released only for the PC version, there is no PS4 or Xbox One update. The hotfix fixes a few bugs and contains improvements.


Warframe Patch Notes 25.1.1

General Additions:

  • Deactivated Gas City Corpus Laser Doors during Invasions to prevent them mis-firing when you’re supporting the Corpus.

Relic UI Changes:

The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!

  • Added the “owned” label back  – but instead of it reading as ‘x5’ it is now ‘5 Owned’. This will allow you to quickly see how many of a given Relic item you have at the selection screen at a glance (like before). 
  • Added Alias’ (both yours and squadmates) to the Reward selection screen so that it’s clear who is picking which Reward (yourself included) and where the bonus Void Traces are going.
  • Moved the Reward rarity bars below the items in both the Reward screen and Relic Refinement screen to better emphasize the relationship between the item and its rarity in hierarchy. 
  • Moved the Void Traces information to be directly below the Refinement options for better visibility in the Refinement screen. 
  • Moved selected Relic display as far up as it can comfortably be, as to not overlap the items with the tooltip. 
  • Centered item info popup on Reward items and squad Relics instead of being aligned to the left.


  • Wolf Creds still in your inventory can now be sold for 5K Credits.
  • Hordes of enemies no longer attack players who are trying to extract individually in the Disruption gamemode. This prevents potential Amalgams from running away from the players who are choosing to stick around and fight.
  • Made numerous performance optimizations to the Disruption gamemode.

Ropalolyst Fixes:

  • Fixed a Host migration during the ground stage causing the weak links to be indestructible when fight the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed Host/Clients becoming stuck with a black screen after falling off of level during the Ropalolyst fight.

Limbo Rift Fix:

  • Fixed most Auras not reacting to changes in Rift-Status:
    • Banishing an Eximus enemy will remove its Aura from enemies out of the Rift, eg: if you Banish a Venomous Eximus and stay out of the Rift it won’t be able to hit you with its Toxin Aura, or if you Banish an Ancient Healer it won’t be able to protect its allies left behind.
      • Note this does not apply to the Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras.


  • Fixed the Hydrolyst and Gantulyst being affected by abilities that the Teralyst is immune to (e.g. Magus Anomaly).
  • Fixed a soft-lock when viewing Simaris’ Offerings. 
  • Fixed edge-case crash where the Client managed to abort mission after his session was destroyed.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when entering Orbiter Decoration mode from pause menu.
  • Fixed a script error that could happen if you joined a mission just as a Syndicate Standing reward was given.
  • Fixed issues that occurred when items had accumulated more than 4 billion XP.
    • *You will now see an XP clamp of 999,999,999.
  • Fixed Corpus Gas City Laser Gate randomization (it was never randomizing at all before in procedural levels).
  • Fixed missing collision on a ledge in the Gas City Defense tileset.
  • Fixed dark lighting sections in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed the Kasha Kavat Armor not using emissive colors.
  • Fixed Kavat tails not applying the chosen Energy colors.
  • Fixed the Nyx Graxx Helmet Energy color not applying.
  • Fixed Pax Seeker bolts appearing default Energy colour for Clients.
  • Fixed Energy colors on Nikana sheathes not being applied in mission.
  • Fixed the Thanatos Sugatra not sitting correctly on most weapons.
  • Fixed Khora Mithra Skin having material inconsistencies when switching her Attack, Protect, and Heal postures.
  • Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly tentacles being disjointed from the Helmet.
  • Fixed the medallion dangle on the Valkyr Leonessa Helmet.
  • Fixed viewing certain Chat linked Skins not displaying the chosen UI Themed background or a diorama.

Written by: Carizma

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