Warframe has received a new update! Plains of Eidolon Remaster Update 24.8.1 is now available for download on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.
Warframe Patch 1.72 (PS4) must be downloaded and installed. The official patch version for this update on all platforms is 24.8.1 and it was released as a hotfix on PC with a newer update number.
Below you will find an excerpt from the changelog, the complete patch Notes 1.72 can be found here.
Warframe Update Version 24.8.1 Patch Notes 1.72
General Changes:
- Over 20 Melee and Primary weapons/Skins have received the PBR treatment! From Spearmint Scythe to Tigris, our art team has been updating our back catalog!
- Changed the Korrudo Riven Disposition to 1 (previously 0.5).
- Limbo’s Banish ability timer will now immediately expire if all Banished enemies are killed before the timer counts down (for real this time).
- Tweaks to bring Limbo’s Rift FX to a happy medium between different levels of environment exposure.
- Nyx’s Psychic Bolts now have an instant recast which simply selects 6 new targets and despells on older targets automatically.
- Renamed Hildryn’s Shield Pillage ability to simply Pillage to not overshadow the Armor stripping functionality. Hildryn’s Pillage Arsenal SHIELD DRAIN stat now reads as “DRAIN”.
- Capped multi purchases for Syndicate stores that use currency other than Standing (e.g. Nightwave, Nakak) to what can be afforded with currently owned Resources.
- Assassin type enemies (Wolf of Saturn Six, Stalker, Syndicate, etc) no longer choose to appear as you’re extracting.
- Added Wolf Hammer component Blueprint drops to the Sentient Wolf, and increased the drop chance to match the regular Wolf table. Previously was a 25% chance for the Wolf Hammer Blueprint to drop, now it’s a 35% chance for either the Blueprint or one of its components to drop.
- The ‘Wolf Howl’ Emote will now play howling sounds (only audible for the local player).
- Changed the Conservationist Nightwave Challenge description to clarify ‘Perfect Animal Captures in Orb Vallis’ instead of ‘Perfect Animal Captures’.
- The Ascension Altar and the Clan Vault are now displayed on the Clan Dojo minimap.
- Removed duplicate Spoiled Strike Mod entry from the Orokin Vault rewards table.
- Removed duplicate Fast Deflection Mod from some Defense and quest node reward tables.
- Moved spawn location of a Kuva Siphon to prevent the Kuva cloud from getting stuck under staircases in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Made Captura and dynamic skies play nicer together! Much of Cetus or Vallis FX were lost in the Captura settings, which should be fixed now!
- Widened the wall gap for the purpose of Warframe size sliding in the Lua tileset.
- Slightly reduced the fog in the Grineer Forest tileset.
- The Hildryn Collection now indicates that “Gravimag deployment requires gear obtained from the Profit Taker missions in Fortuna.”
- Swapped mentions of PRIMARY/SECONDARY to ACTIVE/INACTIVE, and MAKE PRIMARY to ACTIVATE in the Focus manager UI screen.
- Reduced the “Join Squad” message size to avoid overlapping in UI.