Note: We were wrong about the version number here! The correct Warframe Update 1.85 was released on May 12th and you can find all the details here! Sorry guys!
Digital Extremes released a new update for Warframe today. We have all the information about this update on May 1st.
Warframe Update 1.85 / 27.4 can now be downloaded for PC players. The update will also be released for PS4 and Xbox One shortly. There are a lot of adjustments and bug fixes, the patch notes are really long!
Warframe Update 27.7 Patch Notes 1.85
General Changes:
- Doubled the Railjack’s innate loot-pickup (Vacuum) Range.
- We’ve also improved the way that Vacuums pull items towards the player and the Railjack. The maximum amount of time it takes for the pick-up to reach the player should be a little more consistent now (about 0.75 seconds in most cases).
- The Sentient Anomaly in the Veil Proxima now has no downtime – it rotates every 30 minutes to a different node with no downtime in between.
- Changing the pacing and general feel of all Railjack Piloting and movement to be less reliant on the optimal strategy of “Single strafe Boost then Repeat”:
- Doubled the Railjack’s base Speed.
- Lowered Boost Speed by 75%
- Increased the Boost Speed cost of dodge.
- Increased Boost Drain
- Made scale a factor in damage reduction and bonuses. This means Archwings and their weapons will do more damage to ships, while also taking less damage from them.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the sensitivities of the emplacement positions (side turrets now match the pilot turret)
- Doubled Revolite crafting yield from 50 to 100.
- Tripled values of Titanium and Asterite resource drops.
- Grineer on-foot enemies now drop Archwing Mods, and Captains drop Operation and Dual Stat Archwing Mods.
- Added an Omni Tool binding when using a controller! The default binding is RB + Right Directional-Pad button, to customize go into your Options > Controls > Customize Controller > Ability Menu > Bind ‘Equip Omni’.
- The Omni Tool will only be equipped using this shortcut option if it is in the Gear Wheel!
- The Omni tool will now slot into the first available slot in the Gear Wheel when given to players instead of being appended to the end.
- Removed unnecessary ability to use the Omni tool outside of Railjack missions.
- Railjack sessions now lock after 5 minutes or if 50% of the Fighters have died – similar to normal sessions.
- Removed the whirly spin move of one of the Sentient fighters. He was having just a little bit too much fun and the other Sentients were just not having any of his funny business.
- Updated the look of the Taktis Grineer Fighter ships.
- Made slight visual updates to the search bar in the Avionics screen.
- When transitioning between Railjack missions, your Warframe/Operator Health/Shields will be restored as well as any Vazarin instant Revives.
- Railjack Missions now reward more Credits at End of Mission to tie some of the main currencies into the reward structure more heavily.
- Earth Proxima Missions reward 30,000 – 45,000 Credits depending on the node.
- Saturn Proxima Missions reward 50,000 – 75,000 Credits depending on the node.
- Veil Proxima Missions reward 80,000 – 150,000 Credits depending on the node.
Ship Combat Changes:
- Changed all Health, Shield and Armour to use the new Tenno versions introduced in Warframe Revised.
- Halved the Health and Armour of all Grineer Fighters.
- Randomized the amount of Fighters required to be killed during the Extermination portion of the Skirmish mission so it’s not always the same.
- Decreased the amount of time between landing the killing shot to the enemy explosion on Fighters (0.1 – 1 sec) down from (1-3) seconds. The effect of this will be not only a quicker pace, but also a quicker time to spawn any drops.
- Decreased Railjack Shield Recharge delay from 5 to 3 seconds. Shield Recharge delay remains at 5 second based on Public Test results.
- Railjack Weapon heat build up changes:
- Apoc – Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 20 to 12. Zetki from 40 to 20
- Carcinoxx – Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zetki from 20 to 12
- Cryophon – Zetki from 400 to 350
- Photor – Sigma/Lavan/Vidar heat build up reduced from 10 to 8. Zetki from 20 to 12
- Railjack Weapon changes:
- Milati Multi Missile
- Reload speed increased from 5 secs to 2 secs
- Projectile speed increased from 250 to 400
- Pulsar damage increased:
- Sigma/Lavan/Vidar
- MK 0 – 43 to 52
- MK 1 – 78 to 94
- MK 2 – 133 to 160
- MK 3 – 213 to 256
- Zetki
- MK 1 – 117 to 141
- MK 2 – 200 to 240
- MK 3 – 320 to 384
- Milati Multi Missile
On-Foot Combat Changes:
- Reduced the Health of all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies by half.
- Removed scaled damage controllers from all on-foot Grineer Railjack enemies.
Pacing Changes:
- Added Caps for the amount of simultaneous Railjack Hazards (Fire, Electric, and Breaches). Your Railjack can only have 1 of each Hazard active at a time.
- Made each RJ Hazard type more harmful to the ship. Made each RJ Hazard type even more, MORE harmful to the Railjack based on Public Test results.
- Reduce Railjack Speed and Damage when Railjack is in “Catastrophic Failure” mode.
- Increased the amount of Omni Revolite required to remove hazard events, but increased the XP gained.
- Increased the number of fighters in all alert stages.
- Enemies now spawn much closer to the Railjack vs. 1000+ km away.
- Destroying all engines on a Crewship now disables weapons.
- Destroying all engines on a Crewship kills half the crew on board.
Archwing Changes / Fixes:
- Longstanding issues with the usability of Archwing Melee has been fixed.
- Made numerous changes here based on Public Test results, including further Melee weapon rebalancing.
- Increased base Melee magnetism range from 100 to 140m
- Decreased chance of Enemy Fighters performing a maneuver to break away from Melee attacks from 100% to 10%.
- Increased camera offset from Enemy Fighters from 25 to 30m to help show action.
- Archwing Melee Range Mods now affect aim assist lock-on range.
- Archwing Gun stats normalized – space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.
- UI Lead indicator has been added to relevant Archwing Guns.
Systemic Changes:
- The Kuva Lich ‘Valence Fusion’ has been added for built Armaments and Components. Introducing RAILJACK VALENCE FUSION – players can now fuse duplicate built or unbuilt stats to their favorite built parts, boosting them. Based on Public Test Cluster feedback, this no longer requires built Armaments and Components to Valence Fuse: Wreckage can be used, with a resource cost (Max 40%!). Built Armaments and Components can also be used and consumed, with a Dirac cost.
- Requires Dirac to perform if VALENCE FUSION occurs for built Armaments and Components.
- Requires Resources and Credits if VALENCE FUSION occurs for Wreckage of Armaments and Components.
- Combining matching tiers gives 10% boost in stats
- Combining lower tiers gives 5% boost in stats.
- Two tiers removed (MK3 with MK1) is 2% boost
- You can only VALENCE FUSE the same House and type of Armaments and Components across all MKs – much like Kuva Lich Weapons. Also Sigma equipment (your starting equipment or purchased from the Dojo) cannot be upgraded in this way.
Affinity and Intrinsic Gain Changes:
- Doubled Affinity-to-Intrinsic Point conversion. You will now gain Intrinsics 2x faster.
- Increased the earned Affinity on killing Elite Fighters and Outriders.
Avionics Changes:
When it comes to Avionics changes, there’s an overarching goal: Simplify Avionic management.
- Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic.
- Consolidated Avionics have had their Avionic Capacity Drain altered so that on average the Integrated Avionics now consume 20% less. This ensures players can more comfortably fit the builds they want in the new consolidated system based on Feedback from the Public Test Cluster.
- The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
- The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
- ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
- ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.
- Added ‘Incomplete’ tab/category to the Avionics screen in the ‘Configure Railjack’ panel, Mods Segment screen, and the Codex.
- Avionics, Mods, and Arcanes that are not owned are marked as ‘preview’ in this category and those that you own but have not ranked to Max are also in this category.
- You can now Chat Link Avionics!
Battle Avionic Refresh:
Munitions Vortex
- Reverted to ‘as is’ based on Public Test results, albeit with brand new FX for understanding scale / effect of Avionic.
- Vortex is now attached to the front of your Railjack
- Increased Vortex radius from 30 to 60
- Increased radius from 150 to 200
- Initial use cost of 5 Flux Energy, double cost if used again within 4 secs up to a cap of 40 energy (5/10/20/40)
Blackout Pulse
- Display range stat on all marked targets while projectile is in flight
- Increased radius from 100 to 200
- Increased damage from 250 to 500
Particle Ram
- Requires forward velocity to be active
- Increased speed of projectile when its launched
- Increased length of projectile so targets stay within the damage field as long as they did before with slower projectile
- 50% more Damage during a Vector Maneuver
- 100% more damage when launching the Particle Ram
- Now accepts Energy colour.
Shatter Burst
- Display range stat on all marked targets while projectile is in flight
- Range increased from 120 to 200
- Damage increased from 500 to 1000
- Radius increased from 60 to 80
- Fall off decreased from 100% to 50%
Void Hole
- Decreased duration from 25 to 12 secs
- Increased attraction strength
Fiery Phoenix
- Decreased energy drain from 5 to 2.5 per sec
Seeker Volley
- Increased damage from 1000 to 1600
- Increased Critical Chance from 20 to 40%
- Increased speed from 120 to 260
Tactical Avionic:
Fire Suppression
- Changed the Fire Suppression Tactical Avionic to always fix only one Hazard, and upgrading the rank reduces the cooldown.
- Previously the only reason you would have upgraded this avionic was to handle more Hazards at once, but now your Railjack can only have 1 Hazard at a time. Reducing the cooldown instead still gives you a reason to rank it up.
Find these new Avionics from Earth, Saturn, or Veil Proximia Grineer Fighters to enhance your Railjack (these values are with Max Rank Avionic and Max Grid Rank):
Deep Hold (Lavan)
Increase Forge Capacity by 60%.
Cruising Speed (Zetki)
Increase Speed by 80% when no enemies within 3000m.
Quicklock (Lavan)
Decrease Ordnance Lock-on time by 75%.
Artillery Cheap Shot (Zetki)
Forward Artillery has a 50% chance to not consume Dome Charges.
Ordnance Cheap Shot (Lavan)
Ordnance weapons have a 50% chance to not consume Munitions.
Turret Velocity (Vidar)
Increase Turret Range by 25.3%. Increase Turret Projectile Speed by 55%.
Archwing Melee Stat Refresh (NEW based on Public Test Feedback):
Mastery Rank 0-3
- Damage increased from 300 to 360 470
- MR increased from 0 to 1
- Damage increased from 290 to 320 412
- MR increased from 0 to 3
- Damage increased from 350 to 436
- Status chance increased from 10% to 15%
Mastery Rank 4-6
- MR increased from 0 to 4
- Damage increased from 325 to 392
- Status chance increased from 15% to 20%
- Critical chance increased from 10% to 15%
- MR increased from 0 to 6
- Damage increased from 280 to 340 450
- Status chance increased from 7.5% to 12%
- Critical chance increased from 15% to 20%
Mastery Rank 7-9
- MR increased from 0 to 7
- Damage increased from 325 to 340 445
- Critical chance increased from 10% to 13%
- MR increased from 0 to 8
- Damage increased from 280 to 290 376
Prisma Veritux
- MR increased from 0 to 8
- Damage increased from 300 to 320 394
- Critical chance increased from 15% to 30%
Arch-Gun Changes:
- Proximity fuse has been added to Grattler rounds in space so they explode when they are near a target.
- Phaedra accuracy increased.
Imperator Vandal
- Imperator Vandal accuracy increased.
Dual Decurions
- Recoil reduced for Dual Decurions in space.
- Increased accuracy.
- Decreased zoom FoV.
- Reduced the collision size of Larkspur’s Alt Fire projectile.
- Increased size of Velocitus projectile in space.
- Quick shot Damage increased from 200 Magnetic to 150 Impact, 150 Puncture, 150 Slash and 150 Magnetic.
- Quick shot Critical Chance increased from 25 to 30%.
- Charged shot Damage increased from 1200 Magnetic to 400 Impact, 400 Puncture, 400 Slash and 400 Magnetic.
- Charged shot Critical Chance increased from 30 to 60%.
- Charged shot Critical Damage increased from 3 to 3.6x.
- Minimum Fall Off Damage increased from 175 to 440.
- Charged Shot Critical Damage increased from 2.6 to 3x.
Kuva Ayanga
- Ammo regen delay decreased from 1 sec to 0.7 secs.
- Ammo regen rate increased from 10 to 66.
- Fall Off min Damage increased from 120 to 137.
Railjack Fixes:
- Fixed attempting to exit the Railjack right when the Host selects another mission to warp to resulting in the left-behind player dying and sometimes unable to Revive.
- Fixed lingering Revo Reducer buff after equipping and unequipping the Revo Reducer Avionic until they complete a mission or leave their Dojo.
- Fixed cases where the doors in the Railjack would have collision and prevent players from passing through them.
- Fixed inability to load into the Dojo via Railjack Navigation.
- Fixed Railjack Reactors that have the “50 Shield per unused Avionics Capacity” perk not applying the perk when first loading into a Railjack mission.
- Fixed Clients having a 5 minute Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown if you were outside the Railjack when a Host migration occurred.
- Fixes towards an inescapable black screen if you were inside a Crewship as the Operator when it exploded.
- Fixed Client’s inability to destroy a Grineer Crewship with the Forward Artillery if the Crewship was near disabled.
- Fixed ‘Reflex Aim’s’ snap aiming not properly targeting the ships from a split Gyrex.
- The target lead indicators will now follow the ships split from the Gyrex, but since radial damage does not hurt them, ‘Target Sync’ will not lock-on to them. This was set this way so that players do not waste their Munitions.
- Fixed Chroma Elemental Ward issue where casting it on yourself through the Railjack Tactical Map, then overriding it with your own cast causing the bonuses from the Tactical Map cast to never expire.
- Fixed a functionality loss when using Transference while transitioning through a loading tunnel (Void tunnel).
- Fixed Clients out in space that experience a Host migration, resulting in an ability to take your Heavy Weapon into the Railjack and POIs as a regular ground weapon (Primary).
- Fixed being placed inside an Artillery and falling through the level to escape if you used Join Warp on a player on said Artillery.
- Fixed your Warframe’s body not moving with camera aim when using the Railjack’s Forward Artillery.
- Fixed using Transference when Piloting or using side Turrets in Railack as Operator causing it to cast the first slotted Battle Avionic.
- Fixed Clients loading into an untextured level when sitting in the Archwing Slingshot during a Host Migration.
- Fixed Focus Convergence Orb markers appearing in Space instead of inside the ship when piloting Railjack.
- Fixed starting a second Railjack mission preventing Melee Finishers from working until respawned.
- Made multiple fixes for jittery and weird cloth physics when hanging out in the Railjack. This also fixes issues of rigid cloth after dismounting from the Pilot seat.
- Fixed Clients loading into Railjack missions from Dry Dock after accepting an invitation from Host getting stuck in infinite loading.
- Fixed issue where Clients would get stuck in the Forward Artillery and above the intended area in the Railjack when entering and exiting the Forward Artillery back to back.
- More fixes towards players finding themselves in all kinds of brokenness when using Archwing Slingshot on a Crewship that had just been destroyed.
- Fixed elements of the Tactical Menu map disappearing in certain aspect ratios.
- Fixed Clients getting left behind when starting a second Railjack mission from the Dry Dock and Hosts getting stuck in infinite load.
- Fixed objective markers sometimes not showing after subsequent Railjack runs as Host.
- Fixed fighter/Crewship objective markers reappearing after migration when they had already been completed.
- Fixed Operator faces getting all messed up when piloting Railjack. Space fighters are thankful they no longer have to witness that horror anymore.
- Fixed meltdown projector showing for players that are still inside the Crewship.
- Fixed multiple issues related to Railjack for Clients invited to someone’s Orbiter including:
- Fixed an issue where using “Board Railjack” / “Return to Orbiter” from the top menu while not close to the action itself would fail to execute it.
- Fixed an issue where Clients would spawn in a “random” spot on the Railjack instead of in the bridge like the Host does if they were still in the Orbiter.
- Fixed the Railjack Sungem and Caballero skins having the Ordnance and Nose Turret weapons clipping with parts of the Railjack/Skin.
- Fixed the waypoints for Commanders in Railjack missions not having distance information.
- Fixed Dragon Key debuff indicator appearing as a red dot in the HUD when Piloting the Railjack.
- Fixed purchasing a Glyph to equip on your Railjack only applying the icon, but not setting the selected item. This resulted in the Glyph slot name not updating and selecting to equip a new Glyph would auto focus the old Glyph you had before the purchase.
- Fixed teammate buttons in the Railjack Tactical Menu overlapping the location text.
- Fixed super long Railjack names overwhelming the Railjack HUD.
- Fixed UI becoming unresponsive after opening the Nightwave screen as the Operator when returning to the Dry Dock from a Railjack mission.
- Fixed Elemental Resistance Avionics not Ranking up properly.
- Fixed accessing the Railjack Arsenal from the Orbiter leading to camera placement issues.
Defendable Objects: Healing AoE and Damage Reduction Changes:
Our Healing AoE / Damage Reduction changes posted back on April 3rd have arrived! If you’re unfamiliar, ultimately what we want is more ‘Healing’ Abilities to work to allow for more strategies to emerge in various mission types. Healing these objectives can serve well as an alternative or a complement to the commonly used defensive Abilities, such as Frost’s Snow Globe, Gara’s Mass Vitrify, Limbo’s Cataclysm. 100% heals is not what we want to do, so we are instead allowing the effects with some objective-specific adjustments as to not trivialize the game modes.
All the initial information can be found in the Dev Workshop:
Heal Source |
Normal effect |
Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) |
How did this work before this Update? |
Gara – Mending Splinters |
3 HP per sec for each active splinter |
Fine as is. |
As is |
Hildryn – Haven |
500 Max Shields 80% faster Shield recharge |
Fine as is, will inherit the Normal effect behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Trinity – Blessing |
Up to 100% HP and Shield restore |
Previously did nothing. Now, will Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack |
On live does nothing |
Equinox – Mend |
25 Shields for each enemy killed Burst heal based on how much damage was dealt Notes: Since the heal amount is based on player damage, the numbers are astronomical which will lead to imbalances outside our goal here. |
Previously did nothing. Now, Allow the Shields component to work and heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack. |
Does not affect (health nor shield) |
Vazarin – Protective Dash |
5 seconds invulnerability 60% Heal over 5 seconds |
No invulnerability Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack |
Works at full effect |
Khora – Venari |
Heal for 50 hp/sec |
Fine as is. Will return functionality that kicked this whole Workshop off. |
We will be returning the functionality it had before |
Hydroid – Curative Undertow |
Heals 30% hp every 1.5 secs when ally stands on it |
Previously did nothing. Heal for 100 per 1.5 sec |
On live does nothing |
Harrow – Penance |
Heals allies for a % of damage dealt Notes: Similar to Equinox, very hard to balance for this since it’s based on damage dealt. |
Heals are capped up to 50 per second. |
On live does nothing |
Oberon – Renew |
125 burst heal 50 health per sec |
Previously did nothing. Now, Fine as is and will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Garuda – Blood Siphon |
Heals by % of missing health |
Doesn’t apply, for flavor we think this shouldn’t. |
On live does nothing |
Inaros – Scarab Swarm |
Heals for damage dealt by Swarm Projectile divided by allies in range. |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Nidus – Ravenous |
Heal allies standing on it for 20 HP per second |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Wisp – Vitality Mote |
Increase max hp by 300 and heal for 30 hp per second |
Fine as is, will inherit this behavior. |
On live does nothing |
Volt – Capacitance |
Grants shields based on 3% of damage dealt |
Capped at 250 shields, no overshields |
On live does nothing |
Titania – Passive |
4 Heal Per Second for 20 Seconds, |
Fine as is |
On live does nothing |
Sancti Magistar |
Heals for damage dealt in an AoE |
Heal for up to 500 over 5 seconds, can’t stack with other players. Going from a burst to Heal over Time. |
Going from burst to heal over time |
Ancient Healer |
Heal for 100 HP every 20 seconds |
Fine as is |
As is |
Rejuvenation Aura |
Heal 3 HP per sec |
Fine as is |
As is |
Arcane Pulse |
60% Chance to heal for 150 HP when picking up a globe with a 15 sec cooldown. |
Fine as is |
As is |