At the moment there seems to be an update almost daily, Blizzard has also announced another World of Warcraft hotfix for tomorrow, September 26th.
Tomorrow there will be maintenance (server go offline) and another update.
With the latest Azerite Trait Tuning Hotfix, some classes are adjusted, improved or worsened. Learn everything in the preliminary patch notes below. As soon as the World of Warcraft Update is live, they will complement the details.
Azerite Trait Tuning – September 26
All Classes
- (Healer) Ephemeral Recovery mana increased by 15%.
- (Healer) Savior trigger threshold increased to 50% health (was 35%).
Death Knight
- (Blood/Unholy) Bone Spike Graveyard: damage increased by 100%.
- (Unholy) Festering Doom: damage increased by 25%.
Demon Hunter
- (Havoc) Eyes of Rage: damage increased by 20%.
- (Havoc) Furious Gaze: Haste increased by 40% and duration increased to 12 sec.
- (Havoc) Revolving Blades: damage reduced by 35%.
- (Havoc) Thirsting Blades: damage increased by 70%.
- (Vengeance) Revel in Pain: absorption increased by 20%.
- (Balance, Guardian, Restoration) Craggy Bark: absorption increased by 15%.
- (Balance) Dawning Sun: damage increased by 40%.
- (Balance) Streaking Stars: damage reduced by 40%.
- (Balance) Sunblaze: damage increased by 35% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Feral) Iron Jaws: damage increased by 66% (unchanged in PvP). The benefit of having multiple copies of this trait active is reduced.
- (Guardian) Gory Regeneration: healing increase increased by 15%.
- (Guardian, Feral) Masterful Instincts: bonuses increased by 10%.
- (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) Rapid Reload: damage increased by 25% and tooltip corrected to say “more than 2 targets.”
- (Beast Mastery) Pack Alpha: damage increased by 60% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Beast Mastery) Dance of Death: Agility increased by 20%.
- (Marksmanship) Unerring Vision: Critical Strike increased by 100%.
- (Marksmanship) Focused Fire: damage increased by 30%.
- (Survival) Blur of Talons: Agility increased by 65%.
- (Survival) Up Close and Personal: Damage increased by 40%.
- (Arcane) Galvanizing Spark: damage reduced by 30% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Arcane) Explosive Echo: damage reduced by 35%.
- (Frost) Frigid Grasp: Intellect increased by 100%.
- (Frost) Packed Ice: Damage increased by 120% (+45% if used with Splitting Ice). Reduced by 50% against players.
- (Frost) Glacial Assault: Chance to activate increased to 20%.
- (Mistweaver) Burst of Life: healing increased by 20%.
- (Windwalker) Open Palm Strikes: damage increased by 60% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Protection) Dauntless Divinity: block increased by 20%.
- (Protection) Judicious Defense: absorption increased by 10%.
- (Retribution) Divine Right: Strength increased by 40%, duration increased to 15 sec.
- (Retribution) Expurgation: damage increased by 15%.
- (Discipline, Shadow) Depth of the Shadows: healing increased by 20%.
- (Holy) Blessed Sanctuary: bonus increased by 10%.
- (Holy) Permeating Glow: bonus increased by 15%.
- (Shadow) Spiteful Apparitions: damage bonus increased by 75% when the Auspicious Spirits talent is not selected.
- (Shadow) Searing Dialogue: damage increased by 150%.
- (Assassination, Subtlety) Sharpened Blades: damage reduced by 30% (unchanged in PvP). The benefit of having multiple copies of this trait active is reduced.
- (Assassination) Poisoned Wire: Critical Strike increased by 50%.
- (Outlaw) Brigand’s Blitz: Haste increased by 50%.
- (Subtlety) Blade in the Shadows: damage reduced by 25%.
- (Subtlety) The First Dance: Now grants 2 stacks of the Critical Strike bonus when activated. Critical Strike bonus reduced by 25%.
- (Enhancement) Strength of Earth: damage increased by 60%.
- (Enhancement) Roiling Storm: damage increased by 100% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Restoration) Soothing Waters: healing increased by 10%
- (Arms)Executioner’s Precision: damage increased by 75% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Arms) Test of Might: Strength reduced by 15%.
- (Fury) Reckless Flurry: damage reduced by 25%.
- (Fury) Bloodcraze: Critical Strike increased by 100%.
- (Protection) Reinforced Plating: Strength increased by 10%.
- (Affliction) Dreadful Calling: damage increased by 30%.
- (Demonology) Forbidden Knowledge: damage increased by 35% (unchanged in PvP). The benefit of having multiple copies of this trait active is reduced.
- (Demonology) Umbral Blaze: damage increased by 20%.
- (Demonology) Explosive Potential: duration increased to 15 sec.
- (Destruction) Accelerant: duration increased to 12 sec.
- (Destruction) Crashing Chaos: damage reduced by 30% (unchanged in PvP).
- (Destruction) Rolling Havoc: duration increased to 15 sec.
Alongside these changes, we plan to increase the damage output of a few affected specs:
- Arcane Mage: all damage increased by 3%.
- Balance Druid: Starsurge and Starfall damage increased by 15%.
- Destruction Warlock: Incinerate, Conflagrate, and Immolate damage increased by 10%.
- Fury Warrior: all damage increased by 6%.