Blizzard provided hotfixes on March 27th, the Flight Master’s Whistle bug was fixed. In addition, some bug fixes for unholy DKs and the The MOTHERLODE!! now counts once a week for the Emissary of War.
The change of the Flight Master’s Whistle means that the whistle will no longer drop players in places where they have no flight paths.
WOW 8.1.5 Patch Notes – Hotfix of March 27th
- Resolved an issue in Silvermoon that prevented some players from joining General, Trade, or Local Defense chat channels.
- The Flight Master’s Whistle will no longer drop players off at unintended locations
Player versus Player
- Death Knight
- Fixed a bug that caused Necrotic Aura to dismount Worgen players from Running Wild if it hit an enemy.
- Unholy
- Fixed a bug that allowed Magus of the Dead to melee attack.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Raise Abomination to prevent a Ghoul from attacking its target temporarily.
- Druid
- Restoration
- Fixed a bug that caused Soul of the Forest to be consumed by Revitalize.
- Restoration
Raids and Dungeons
- Completing The Motherlode!! on Mythic difficulty will once again grant credit for “Emissary of War”.