World War Z Patch 1.03 has been released, patch 1.03 is ready to download and is around 15.5 GB in size.
You have to download the update and install it before you can play again, it’s implementing many important bug fixes.
World War Z Update 1.03 is currently available for Playstation 4 ONLY! The PC and Xbox One version to the patch, will follow in a few days.
World War Z Patch Notes 1.03
PS4 Patch Notes
- Fixed an issue that caused save file corruption.
- Fixed an issue with save backups restoring saves with 0 progression.
- Fixed a large number of connectivity, matchmaking and party system issues.
- Fixed a large number of gameplay crashes.
- Fixed a large number of gameplay bugs that caused inability to progress in levels.
- You will now only gain XP toward weapon upgrades if you have purchased the prior upgrade for that weapon, i.e. level two must be purchased to be able to gain XP toward level 3.
- Fixed an issue that caused excessive aim assist in PvPvZ.
- Reduced Compact Shotgun damage in PvPvZ.
- Increased cooldown of “Please Stand Up” perk to 60 seconds.
- Marking items will now display its icon for your teammates.
- Reduced AI bots effectiveness especially on easy and normal difficulties.
- Increased objective timer to save friendly NPCs to 60 seconds on easy and normal difficulties.
- Minor fixes in UI and localization.
- Fixed an issue with “Strong immunity”, “High caution” and “The most effective way” trophies, which caused the goals to fail if you have failed them once during one game session.
- Fixed an issue with the “Sport kills” trophy, which was harder than intended to get.
my game just crashed (Fixed a large number of gameplay crashes) Just crashed right now fix your stupidass fucking game no wonder you bs game didnt sell at 60$ iknew i should of gotten DAYS GONE instead ?
Dissapointing news.I was really hoping for new campaign levels,seriously 15GB for bugfixes?The game should have not be released if this huge amount of data is corrupt.Please add new campaign and new stages,there are very few of them
Beat the whole game in 2 hours this game needs longer campaigns and more of them not bug fixes
People just remember how bad the game was day 1, all buggy af. Lost connections, buggy ai( Russian episode- the escort mission). So maybe 15 gb might be too high but I didn’t made these patches same for all those who cry about the patch size.
I don’t see a huge problem with the update being so large. The assurance of me booting the game and everything not being corrupted is cool with me.
I would have rather had increased optimization to increase fps. It’s pretty bad at times on a ps4 pro honestly at this late cycle of a console’s generation
…….. a trophy on ps4 was to unlock the best version of the gun and now they take it away ….. kinda disappointed
They definitely need to make easier ways to get money, now that you have to buy the previous version of a weapon before you can get the next one, that is gonna make the trophy of buying all final version of weapons take ages
I hate that I now have to purchase every level of a gum in order to get the top teir one.. what a waste of credits.
Wow I’m glad I got the trophy for all final version of weapons. This used a lot of currency but now will take a lot more grind. I don’t see why this was done. Why would you want min 5 versions of the same weapon when the games completed
I agree, this is 15gb of shit they should have already fixed before the game ever came out.
I dont agree withe the AI nerf on easy and normal. Nobody barely play those two difficulties because of the low ammount of xp and rewards. This nerf just made it much harder to obtain the “well, what did you achieve?” Trophy for solo players such as myself. Thanks a lot.
I don’t see how you can beat solo with the utter useless bots on insane, always meleeing the bulls and lurkers and now their worse. Atleast they are better than the Bafoon level 1s that play insane
Why the fuck is this 15gb again?? It’s a disgrace. I’ve not go great internet and I’ve had to download 30gb of updates since I bought the game 3 days ago.
I agree, 15 gs should only come with new content, not early patches…
Why is this such a bad thing?? I understand that this is frustrating for both you and I to undertake such large updates for some what meaningless updates.
However, they’re active devs? They’re addressing issues. I’ve experienced many issues and they are pretty shit hot to address these issues, even though they are hefty patches.
I’m just thankful that they’re doing this. And I also cannot wait for their DLC.
I’m hoping by the nine divines that they bring out a versus mode, like as in left for dead.
If you have hotspot included on your cell phone it might work better than what you got in your house especially if you don’t use it anyways you might as well
Cry me a river. I’ve been playing from day one(well half the day). The game was all buggy af. Some people couldn’t log on. People lost connection after a match which lost exp and credits. And then the campaign some issue were that couldn’t progress though cause the ai bugged out. So I’ll let you know if those bugs are still in the game.