In the beta of World of Warcraft Classic, the level limit has now been raised, and the cost of re-skilling has been reduced by 99%.
The beta of World of Warcraft Classic is entering the next phase. New content and areas are being tested, making quests useful. In addition, the developers want to encourage the players to change their skills and put the PvP of Arathi Basin to the test.
Levelcap is raised: Since yesterday the levelcap has increased in the Classic-Beta. Players can now climb up to level 40 and be traveling in new areas. This includes zones such as Stranglethorn Vale, Desolace, Arathi Highlands, and others.
Arathi will be unlocked: In addition to the Arathi Highlands, there will also be extensive testing of the Arathi Basin, the second battlefield of World of Warcraft Classic. If you want to sign up for the battlefield, you must have reached at least level 20.
Warsong takes a break: To really focus on the Arathi Basin, the Warsong Gulch (Warsong) is deactivated. If you want to run PvP in a battlefield, you have to sign up for Arathi. The Arathi Basin test begins on June 6th.