Blizzard has released fewer patches in the last 2 weeks than before, now there is a new hotfix update for World of Warcraft Shadowlands. We have the full patch notes as of May 4th.
The new WoW hotfix update is now available for all players. It will be downloaded automatically as soon as you open the Blizzard Launcher.
World of Warcraft Patch Notes on May 4, 2021
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue that caused Renewing Mist to incorrectly reset the Mistweaver’s swing timer.
- Mistweaver
- Rogue
- Assassination
- Fixed an issue that allowed Mutilated Flesh applied by Doomblade (Runecarving Power) to be parried by enemies.
- Assassination
Items and Rewards
- Players who do not correctly receive a Mythic Keystone from the Great Vault may now request one from Ta’hsup in the Hall of Holding in Oribos.
Source: Blizzard