There are loud voices again about a new “deal” in WoW Classic. WotLK Classic bonus editions are more expensive than full price titles.
Basically, it was to be expected, but it hits the fans of the classic World of Warcraft like a slap in the face. In line with the Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch, there are new bundles in the World of Warcraft shop that you can use to improve your gaming experience – at reasonable prices. These upgrades cost between €50 and €80.
What are these packages? At the launch of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, players can choose to purchase 2 additional packs:
Northrend Heroic Upgrade for 49,99$
Northrend Epic Upgrade for 79,99$
Both packages come with different content.
That’s in the WOW Northrend Heroic Upgrade:
The cheaper bundle for 49,99$ contains the following content:
- A character boost to level 70 (does not apply to Death Knights), including:
- experienced riding
- racial epic mount
- racial rare flying mount
- Weapon skills up to level 70
- Unlocked all flight paths in Azeroth and Outland
- a set of uncommon (green) gear for level 70
- four bags with 14 places each
- some gold
- The penguin pet Pebbles
- Fish Speaker’s Fortune Lure toy that allows you to summon a Tuskarr as your fishing partner
That’s in the WOW Northrend Epic Upgrade:
The Epic Upgrade is the package for a whopping 79,99$. This includes:
- All Heroic Upgrade content
- Kal’uak Whalebone Glider Flying Mount
- Tuskarr Coastal Glider Flying Mount for Retail WoW (Shadowlands / Dragonflight)
- 30 days of game time for World of Warcraft (Classic and Retail)
Compare the two Wrath of the Lich King Classic Upgrades:
You can find this and more information about the prices on: Battle.Net Shop
The WOW Classic Community reacts angrily:
As expected, the community around WoW Classic reacts rather angry and upset. It still seems dissatisfied that shop offers in this form take place in WotLK Classic at all. At the same time, the prices are considered cheeky when you consider that WotLK is now a very old game and is basically included in the subscription for free. Asking more than the full price of a new title for a package there is seen by many as a cheeky rip-off.
However, it must also be said that the character boost alone usually costs just under 50$ and you can therefore “save” with the packages if you are interested in digital goodies such as pets, mounts and the like and want to use a boost anyway. These are probably attractive offers – at least in comparison to the conventional price. This is also noted by some of the comments, which basically say you don’t have to buy it if you don’t want to.
What is your opinion on these packages? Must have? Or you don’t have to buy it if you don’t want it? Comment below!