Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Retrieve the King’s Horn – Side Mission

Retrieve the King’s Horn is a side mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider and the first one of Hearts and Minds mission line In this guide we show you how to complete the mission.

Region: Paititi
Reward: Retrieve the Savior’s Amulet Side Quest

Quest Location – Retrieve the King’s Horn

After receiving the Silver Serpent Artifact, you must complete a sequence. Then you are back on the streets of Patiti. Talk to the old lady near you and she will tell you about a quarrel she has heard. This marks the location of this side mission on your map.

You will now come to a cave where Jonah is imprisoned, and the quest giver will be the watchman who watches over him, Ushu.

Ushu will tell you about three things needed for the coronation of Urumatus’ son. Two of them are no problem, but the King’s Horn is still missing.

Now you have to talk to some people and get a special knife, everything will be marked on the map. If you still have problems, below is a video guide to the complete mission.

Need more Guides and News about Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Check it out in our Tomb Raider Walkthrough.


Written by: Carizma

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