Studio Wildcard released a new Ark Survival Evolved update today. We have all information about this patch on May 20, 2020.
Ark Survival Evolved Update 2.28 is now available for PS4 and Xbox One. This update With this update there are adjustments to the transfer and to Managarmr..
Ark Survival Evolved Update Patch Notes – May 20th, 2020
- PS4 Version: 547.17 / 547.32
- Xbox One Version: 798.17 / 798.32
- Added option to disable light shafts and bloom
- Fixed an issued that caused bionic dino skins to disappear
- Fixed an exploit which would cause players to become invisible
- Fixed multiple level issues including holes, floating foliage, areas where they could get stuck, and missing volumes
- Lava Lizard can now be spayed or neutered
- Fixed some missing icon related to holiday emotes
I just wonder if they will update the split screen issue with the shadows. It’s so sucks and I dont like the little hack people do because it just makes the game so bright theres no shadows at all so weres the fun in that … idk just saying PLEASE lol fix the Shadow Glitch in split screen
As with some of the other comments, bionic skins are still missing
I play on PC and I just got the new update today and now I cant launch my game I played it last night without any problems
Wait. When are you going to fix Ferox on single player? One of the best creatures added in a long time and I can’t use. Come on WC. How long has Genesis been out now?
I’m on a xbox one s and, the update on March 20th is 66.09 GB instead of the amount it said on the Ark page and I keep seeing everywhere, is there a solution for this? Need help
please fix the host barrier on xbox as it is really annoying and ruins the ark experience that would be really nice
Yes it needs to be done
Im sever stuck. I am forever trapped on sever 571 on ps4 any ideas. I used to travel all the time until the second to the last updatd screwed me any ideas??
If you mean you can’t travel between servers, I had this problem. To fix it, log on to a completely new, different server and when asked, select “download survivor” and wait in game for a few minutes. Then exit back to the menu and join your current server as normal and it should be fixed
It depends on what you mean by you are stuck. If you mean that you can’t transfer your character, then that could be server itself, and not the update. The server might have turned off transfers when the update came out
Since this update, I have all of my equipment. I have all of my points however none of the points are no longer distributed! My toons levels are all 1! I went back and had to redo them all. I had to redistribute my engram points as well but even though I have done so I can no longer craft items in the fabricator, mortar and pestle etc. What the heck?! Playing local on xbox one ?‍♀️
This patch will be know as the “Lava Lizard’s Lament.”
Fixing the duping issue would be nice. I play on official ragnarock 300 and we constantly have people duping on our server daily. Really hard to play a game where everyone on the server gets kicked every 15 minutes.
True this would be amazing
Still not got bionic skins in inventory that bought a month ago
When u die and despair they will show
Any looking for a tribe that is stress free need only that is trusted hit me up electrocave on xbox
You need to play in a dedicated server or pc sesssion if you want the barrier to go away. Its there because the system hosting the server usually has problems hostimg and rendering active gameplay together.
I know they have a lot going on but it’s been 3 months since high detail mode or “true sky” has been broken. I’ve sent an email to WC but nobody has replied.
Still dont have my bionic skins that I purchased
At least the developers are still keeping on top of this game, updating it, rather than just letting it fall off like other survival games, because those developers already have your money and quit on the game, so hears to you, ARK developers, you still keep this game going, and I respect you guys for it
What about the fucking frozen reaper timers right now wtf
Please add that you can go away from the host the game will be fun and good
There is a reason you can not go away from the host on a counsel server, that certain length they have before your pulled back is the max distance you can be away before your game starts bugging out
Hey, can we get a Suchomimus skin for the Spino on the next event? Also, I Deinosuchas skin for the Sarco would also look really cool.
Gud “GangOfRoses” Ark Server Come Join me
Still don’t have bionic skins…?
They need to fix the glitch were dinos cant be transferred and turn into raptor heads and cant deploy I’ve lost so much because of this
Yea let’s fix all the stupid shit that isn’t game breaking and leave all the game breaking bugs that have been in the game since launch. Fucking idiots have no clue what your doing. Do you even play your own game? You should cause then maybe you’d see how annoying it is for people who love and enjoy the game for what it is! Get a fucking grip wildcard! “Light shafts” “foliage”…. Meshing? Loss of characters?… Alot more important shit you could be fixing right now! Thanks for your efforts though I suppose \-_-/ at least your doing something at all
Lightshafts and bloom could help a LOT of ppl get better fps on servers they dont have access too, also while they do focus too much on the new…small things are easier to fix, while many of the larger issues are built into the code and would take a complete rework to possibly fix…so stfu and enjoy the game..or dont, but still quit whining
Let’s see you do any better, you moaning whitney little bitch
does that mean no more meshers ……YAY!
Well shit hi
What about your impossible alpha missions or you know some scailing for none mega tribes. Your fucking game can’t be beat with out ten or more people
So true it’s Soo annoying,they should be scaled,I play on single player