Funcom released another hotfix for Conan Exiles today, September 21. You can find all the details about this update below.
The Conan Exiles Isle of Siptah Update 2.0.2 can now be downloaded and installed for PC / Steam. This hotfix patch fixes several bugs in the game, performance, stability, exploits and much more.
Conan Exiles Patch Notes 2.0.2
Performance and Stability
- Fixed a number of server crashes related to the multimap functionality.
- Fixed a number of connectivity related server crashes.
- Fixed a number of client crashes.
Exploit Fixes
- Continued refinements on the anti-undermesh feature. This feature is still a work in progress and currently not enabled in official servers. It is activated in Testlive servers where we’ll continue gathering feedback and telemetry to further refine it.
- Improved network security features on dedicated servers.
Building and Placeable Fixes
- Beam of light would not appear after crafting a Focus Altars inside the Leyshrines. This is now fixed.
Combat Fixes
- Fixed an issue where charging with a mount would deal damage in unintended situations.
AI and Thrall Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Surge waves being spawned in inconsistent order. They should now end with a boss spawn.
- Addressed a number of inconsistencies that would cause confusion in regards of the rhino mount system.
- Remove the recipes to create skinned version of the Black Rhino and White Rhino (Savage, Killer, Purebred).
- Change the highland berries and vines to give a 100% chance to craft a Grey Rhino when used as food in an animal pen.
- Savage Grey Rhino, Killer Grey Rhino, and Purebred Grey Rhino now require Sea Salted Fodder to craft
Balance Updates
- Increased healing amount and duration on food healing, but now breaks on damage. Players get twice the healing per tick on item use, and doubled the duration. This results in a roughly 4 times increase per food item consumed.
Generagl Bugfixes
- Fixed a texture issue with the Den boss.
- Fixed an issue where emotes would interrupt healing animations.
- Fixed a texture issue with Stormglass doors and gateways.
Auido Fixes
- Wild Surges now do less BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. We made it a bit more baaaam instead. #notthezimmerhornbuthey
Source: Steam