Namco Bandai has released a new update to Dead or Alive 6, we have the full patch notes 1.02 for you.
The update mainly contains changes to various characters, including Ryu, Zack and Tina. Namco Bandai also adds new quests to DOA Quest, new victory animations for some characters and more.
Dead or Alive 6 – Update Version 1.02 Patch Notes
Here you can find an excerpt of the DOA 6 Patch Notes 1.02, the complete information can be found here.
- Added "DOA6 Happy Wedding Costumes Vol.1".
New costumes can be used after being purchased. - Added new quests to DOA QUEST mode.
- Added new entry/victory animations for Kasumi,Hitomi, Marie Rose, and Bass.
- Added character model rotation in WARDROBE.
- Added "RECONNECT" option to FREE TRAININGsettings.
- Adjusted overall gamebalance
Please seethe Balance Adjustments list for details. - Updated Replay savingformat in accord with the implemented corrections.
Replay datasaved in this version will not be playable in the older versions of the game.Replay data saved in the older versions may also become unplayable in thelater versions. - Adjusteddrawing method of awarded costume pattern parts and the response in case ofexceeding necessary quantity.
- Adjustedgraphics.
- Reduced CPU workload on theFORBIDDEN FORTUNE stage for some platforms. Note: Applicable to all platformswith exception of PS4Pro and XboxOneX.
- Corrected theissue of players moving outside the stage limits after being thrown andtriggering wall danger zones on the FORBIDDEN FORTUNE.
- Corrected theissue of players moving outside the stage limits after being thrown on theDOA COLOSSEUM.
- Corrected theissue of players moving outside the stage limits on the MIYABI stage.
- Corrected theissue of Brightness setting becoming invalid while in full-screen mode.