Ubisoft today released Patch 1.09 for Far Cry 5, the Ttite Update with just under 10 gigabytes is available for download.
With the latest patch 1.09 the title update 9 to Far Cry 5 is released. With this title update, the elements from Far Cry 5: “Dead Living Zombies” are included in the Far Cry Arcade Editor.
UPDATE: You can find all new trophies for the Dead Living Zombies DLC here!
Ubisoft writes the following:
We will have more details to share on this upcoming DLC soon, but those looking for a sneak peak can dive into the editor and conjure up chilling creations with ghoulish graffiti, creepy crypts, and other spooky set pieces. Zombie AI will be added in a future title update, but in the meantime head into Far Cry Arcade … if you dare!
Far Cry 5 – Patch Notes 1.09
1. New Additions
- Support and assets for Far Cry® 5 Dead Living Zombies added to the game
- Shop content added to the game
- Added generic invisible shapes to the Arcade Editor
2. Stability & Performance
- Fixed multiple low occurrence crashes
- Fixed and improved stability
- Attempted fix for crash introduced in TU8
3. Missions
- Fixed bug with skipping cinematic in Wolf’s Den
- Fixed an issue where the characters would have blood stains on their faces during the opening mission under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue where the client would be unable to see the host’s weapons after completing the mission “Prairie Oyster Harvest”
- Fixed an issue where the subtitles were not properly synced with the dialogue during the John Seed intro video after liberating Dutch’s Island
- Fixed an issue where the client would see an auto-drive popup when in the car with the Host and Hurk, during the mission “The Prodigal Son”
4. Audio
- Fixed an issue with missing sounds when the P08 has a silencer equipped
- Fixed Phaser pistols SFX continuing after leaving the Photo Mode
5. Gameplay & UI
- Fixed player vehicle being damaged during outpost liberation
- Fixed minor fishing issues
- Fixed minor gameplay issues
- Fixed an issue where the Bayek and Aya outfit would disappear when viewing the player from a far distance
- Fixed various clipping issues with other special outfits
- Fixed an issue where the D50 pistol was using the incorrect ammo type
- Fixed an issue where NPC’s could disappear after being kicked off a ladder
- Fixed an issue where wildlife could be seen sinking into the ground under certain situations
- Fixed an issue where certain button prompts were missing from the Live Tiles on the Main Menu
- Fixed an issue where the “Fetching Store Products” text could be overlapping the weapon’s shop menu
- Fixed autodrive message not displaying when activated.
6. Coop
- Fixed issue with weapons disappearing in COOP
- Fixed some clipping issues when aiming from the passenger seat while riding a vehicle
7. PC Specific
- Minor improvements in Photo Mode
- Fixed an issue when changing main display value may not affect game window if game works in window mode
- Fixed various minor UI issues
8. Far Cry Arcade
- Fixed various issues in Far Cry Arcade
- Fixed issues caused by host migration
- Fixed an issue where the “Waiting for map pickers” HUD would pop out for clients when the host was in the pick map page
- Fixed an issue where players could be kicked from a party if the party tried to enter a lobby without enough free spaces available
- Fixed some audio issues where the music could stop playing when joining a private lobby
- Fixed an issue where the player could become invincible if a host migration occurred during the loadout page
- Fixed an issue where buffs from previous sessions could carry over to new sessions
- Fixed an issue where the map snapshot appeared off-screen for the host during map selection
9. Map Editor
- New: Added new assets for Far Cry® 5 Dead Living Zombies.
- New: Added the “Search” function on Consoles.
- New: More Generic shapes: Cylinders, Pyramids, Spheres, Tubes. Can be found under /Add new objects /Generic shapes /Generic shapes.
- New: Added new Blood, Fire, Smoke, Water particle effects.
- New: Added VFX to the player camera when entering water surfaces.
- New: Added Volume management objects (Audio, Lighting, Reflection). Can be found under /Add new object /Audio and visuals.
- New: Added Temporary structure under /Add new object > /Audio and visuals: A second folder baring the same name can be seen to show all new +-30 effects.
- Fixed issue with Asset and action point budgets
- Minor asset fixes
10. Far Cry® 5 Hours of Darkness DLC
- Fixed airstrike issue in COOP
- Fixed issues with weapon equips
- Fixed an issue where the button flip controller configuration would cause the binocular zoom and airstrike command to use the same button
11. Far Cry® 5 Lost on Mars DLC
- Fixed minor gameplay issues
- Fixed issues where host would become stuck
- Fixed various coop issues causing the player to become stuck on mission objectives
- Fixed an issue where the world map could be unlocked in certain situations
- Fixed an issue where certain SFX could be heard playing during the ending credits
- Fixed some audio replication issues for clients
- Fixed some issues where the player was able to exit the map in certain locations
12. Far Cry® 5 Dead Living Zombies DLC
- Content added to the game
13. Photo Mode
- Fixed various issues with Photo Mode
- Fixed sound issues when using certain weapons
- Fixed an issue where the shovel would become un-usable when bringing up Photo Mode as the weapon breaks
- Fixed an issue where photo mode was unavailable for the DLCs before completing the intro mission of the main game
- Fixed issues with melee weapons
Source: Ubisoft fc5 tu 9
Could you guys add input so we can play on keyboard and mouse. And if you do, please add a cursor. It would actually mean so much to me and my friends.