As Ubisoft announced, the Asunder update for For Honor will be released today. We will have all the information about the patch on March 11th.
The For Honor Update 2.26 will be available for download shortly (depending on the time zone). The file size is not known to us at the moment, but it will depend on the platform. With today’s patch, Year 5 Season 1 “Asunder” begins.
For Honor Patch 2.26
- Battle Fest is a weekend when players will grind double BP points compare as normal day (same as XP fest but for BP points)
- Starting in Y5S1, changes are coming to the rewards warriors will receive at the conclusion of seasonal faction wars.
- We made the faction-colored territories on the World Map more transparent to make the seasonal and event realisation elements more visible.
- Whenever a Hero is in the startup of a Guard Break, if that Hero is struck by a Guard Break it will now automatically perform a Guard Break Counter.
Developer’s comment: This is to prevent situations where two players would attempt to Guard Break each other at a very specific timing and the first player to get Guard Broken would need to re-press the Guard Break button to tech it.
The changes from the Y4|S4 Testing Grounds are now live, with bug fixes and other improvements.
- Shoulder Bash
- Shoulder Bash is no longer accessible from Back Dodge
- Shoulder Bash now slightly moves forward when feinted
- Fully Charged Shoulder Bash no longer has additional forward movement when feinted
- Any Non-Shoulder Bash Attack can now chain to Shoulder Bash.
Developer’s comment: These changes should help Shoulder Bash both feel fairer and flow better. Warden now has to be on the offensive to use Shoulder Bash and rewards using every part of the kit instead of relying on only part of the kit.
- Heavy Attacks
- Side Heavy Openers now have flatter and larger trajectories
- Top Heavy Finisher is now a 900ms attack (down from 1000ms)
- Side Heavy Finishers are now 900ms attacks (up from 800ms)
- Side Heavy Finishers are now Unblockable
- Side Heavy Finishers now deal 30 damage (down from 35 during the Testing Grounds)
- Top Heavy Finisher now deals 32 damage (down from 34 in the Testing Grounds)
- Side Heavy Finisher trajectories are now flatter
- Warden now moves forward more when performing Side Heavy Finishers
- Light Attacks now chain to Heavy Finishers at 100ms during their recoveries (down from 200ms)
Developer’s comment: Warden should now be able to use Heavy attacks more effectively; the increased speed on the Top Heavy Finisher makes it harder to interrupt and Side Heavy Attacks (both Openers and Finishers) are stronger both in group fights as well as the minion lane.
- Zone Attack
- Zone Attack recovery is now 500ms (down from 1000ms)
- Warden now moves forward more when performing Zone Attack
Developer’s comment: Warden’s Zone Attack no longer needs to commit to an additional attack to be useful; the extra forward movement also helps in group fights to catch opponents that might be further away.
- Additional fixes based on Y4|S4’s Testing Grounds player feedback:
- Fixed an issue where Side Heavy Finishers were undodgeable after a Top Heavy Opener (FH-1089)
- Fixed an issue where Side Heavy Finishers were undodgeable after a Top Heavy Opener (FH-1022)
- [Adjustment] Replaced “Thick Blood” on Warden and Nuxia with “Thrilling Comeback”
- Thrilling Comeback is a passive Feat that recovers a small amount of health upon entering Revenge
Developer’s comment: Player feedback from the Y4|S4 Testing Grounds correctly noted that Thick Blood Warden negatively affected the viability of Testing Grounds Peacekeeper and Nobushi – as it nullifies their bleed entirely. Here, by changing the effect of Thick Blood entirely, we remove the unhealthy aspect of being able to shut down bleed heroes’ kits for free, as well as the bad feeling of taking Thick Blood but not queuing into any bleed heroes. In this new Thrilling Comeback, it retains the passive feature of making you live a bit longer, and now is globally useful with a much more healthy design.
- [Adjustment] Created new stair access points to Capture Zone A
- [Adjustment] Created an access point from Mid-lane into the central workshop building
- [Adjustment] Reworked Ashfeld lighting environment and is now daylight
- [Adjustment] Added a warning to the defending team when their Commander takes damage
- [Adjustment] We tweaked the size and opacity of revive/executed icons to make them less intrusive
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that allowed the Special follow-ups after Superior Blocking/Deflecting attacks to trigger on ally or minion hits
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Centurion or Jormungandr to perform “Eagle’s Talons” or “Hamarr Slam” on an opponent that will not be Unbalanced (FH-1136)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the dodge shadows VFX to remain stuck on players
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Lawbringer’s “Impaling Charge” to sometimes have offset animations when performing on an uneven surface
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Orochi’s top heavy opener to deal 20 damage instead of 24 (FH-1272)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Aramusha’s Guard Break attempts to bounce off after performing a “Fury Unleashed” into a side heavy feint (FH-942)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Aramusha’s “Ring the Bell” to be interrupted on opponent death (FH-878)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Aramusha’s “Ring the Bell” to apply damage before the weapon impacts the opponent (FH-134)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Gryphon to sometimes have offset animations when performing “Dauntless Chase” on an uneven surface (FH-1087)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the “I Bring War” to have various offset issues on the Gryphon (FH-1194)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Warden’s “Folville” chest to apply Paint Patterns incorrectly (FH-1135)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki’s helms to have issues with stretching and wrongly applied physics (FH-1153)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Tiandi’s “Yi Ru Fan Zhang” Execution respawn timer starts 3 seconds earlier than expected (FH-1115)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki’s “Ikko-Ikki” chest symbols and embossings to be displayed on his back (FH-1139)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaolin’s “Chilly Snowflake” weapons have the wrong part names (FH-1127)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Gryphon’s “Protector” Chest shoulders to not apply materials (FH-1103)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warlord’s “Hrym” arms right shoulder to have a stretching issue on one of the spikes (FH-1092)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Raider’s “Steinunn” arms for Male Rider to have a stretched spike on the right shoulder plate (FH-1101)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the female Berserker’s “Asmundar” helm yo be missing teeth compared to other similarly looking helmets (FH-1067)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused some of the Shinobi’s helm sets to have fabric poking through the cloth in two spots near the top rivets in the back of the head. (FH-860)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki’s weapon to stutters while respawning when the free roam emote ‘Tantrum’ is interrupted
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused 100% CPU usage on PC upon For Honor boot (FH-1287)