Guerrilla Games released a new PC update for Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition. Below are the full patch notes for this update on October 13.
The Horizon Zero Dawn Update 1.06 is now available for download, PC only. Today’s update fixes a few bugs in the game and improvements are made.
HZD PC Edition Patch Notes 1.06
Crash Fixes
- Fixed a streaming compute shader crash
- Fixed a crash on startup related to file paths with non-ANSI characters
Graphical Improvements
- Fixed an issue where characters would noticeably warp between cuts during a specific cutscene in main quest “The Point of the Spear”
- Fixed an issue where box graphics would flash during the final cinematic of the game
- Fixed an issue in HDR where the UI could get overlapped by a black scene
- Fixed an issue where turning on the Adaptive FPS option gave lower performance results than setting similar results manually
Gameplay Improvements
- Aloy forward walking direction – Aloy now walks directly towards the direction the camera is facing when you press forward, rather than at a slight angle
Other Improvements
- Executable details – Properties of the executable now also displays the current version
Source: Steam