Update: The official patch notes for update 1.23 are now available. You can find all the details here.
200 player matches will be available in Call of Duty Season 4 Warzone. Activision just announced that the Patch version 1.23 (PS4 Version) will be live on June 30th or at 11 p.m. PDT on June 29.
Modern Warfare Warzone Update 1.23 content
The update brings us some new content, the new multiplayer map Cheshire Park, the new weapon Rytec AMR and Warzone will be available for 200 players.
It’s possible to play up to 200 players in Battle Royale quads in Verdansk. So that means, fights between 50 Quads of Operators and the encroaching circle collapse. This number of new players makes Warzone an even bigger Battle Royale experience.
The offical Patch Notes will follow as soon they are are available.
Source: Activision