IllFonic released a new update for Predator: Hunting Grounds. We have the full patch notes for this update on August 31.
The Predator: Hunting Grounds Update 2.25 can now be downloaded and installed for all platforms. You have to download 1.6GB on PS4, the size of the download may vary depending on the platform.
Predator Hunting Grounds Patch Notes 2.25
Unfortunately no details about the patch have been released yet. We will update this article as soon as the patch notes are available.
Paid DLC
- New playable Predator – Cleopatra
- Early Access to the new Predator weapon Skin – Ancient Disc
Free Update
- Fireteam bots are now available in Hunt!
- Support role throwing ammo and health packs.
- Revive downed players
- Players have the ability to take over Fireteam bots if killed.
- New Collectibles – Isabelle Tapes (Unlock at level 1, 10, 20, 40)
- NRV-E (Sniper Rifle) is now available at Level 100
- Added Armor Skins for level 100 / 150 for the Elder Predator, Jungle Hunter 87 and Alpha Predator
- Added PS and Epic exclusive tints for Valkyrie
- Fixed an exploit spot on Headquarters map.
- Fixed several collision issues in the Headquarter map.
- Updated audio for the Headquarters map.
- Fixed cosmetics not displaying correctly when being granted from a field locker.
- Guerrilla Mercenaries will now use Flashbang grenades.
- Several cosmetics issues have been fixed.
- Fixed a stamina issue for Host on private Clash matches.
- Fixed floating spawns and added additional respawn points in Headquarters clash map.
- Fixed missing audio for the Airstrip map.
- General
- Fixed an issue where Fireteam members continue to go through the muddy up animation even after cancelling the interaction
- Fixed an issue where Isabelle head would not appear incorrectly in big head mode.
- Fixed an issue with Comms specialization not behaving as intended.
- General
- Fixed an issue with the Requiem and Paroxysm armor styles for the Hunter Predator that caused the armor styles to be level locked instead of purchasable.
Source: illfonic