Hi-Rez Studios released a the Kyoto Job Update for Rogue Company. Below you can find all the details about this patch on August 11.
The Rogue Company Update 1.69 is now available for download. On the PS4 you have to download and install 4.4 GB. The size of the download can vary depending on the platform. Season 3 begins with today’s patch, there is new content and improvements. The new content includes a new map.
Rogue Company Patch Notes 1.69
The Season Three Battle Pass is here! It’s filled with 50 rewards that you can earn by simply playing the game. Earn Battle Pass Experience and work your way to the top to unlock the incredible Lone Wolf Talon.
Battle Pass Base Bundle (1000 RB)
- 3 Instant Premium Rewards (Mastermind Vy Outfit, Kawaii Hoverboard, 1 Hour Account Boost)
- +20% Battle Pass Experience
- New Increased Rogue Bucks Rewards: 1000 total
- Battle Pass Elite Bundle (2000 Rogue Bucks)
- +15 Battle Pass Tiers
- 3 Instant Premium Rewards (Mastermind Vy Outfit, Kawaii Hoverboard, 1 Hour Account Boost)
- +20% Battle Pass Experience
- New Increased Rogue Buck Rewards: 1000 total
- You Rock Spray
- Respectful Bow Emote
- Plasma Storm Primary Wrap
- Blue Dragon Banner
- Dragon Scales Secondary Wrap
- Shattered Bullet Avatar
- Blue Thorns Border
- 30 Minute Boost
- Scaducci Summer Melee Wrap
- Iridescent Rainbow Wingsuit
- Pathcutter Title
- 30 Minute Boost
- 200 Rogue Bucks
- 30 Minute Boost
- Sakura Dima
- Citrus Blast Primary
- Contract Executed Banner
- 45 Minute Boost
- Honeycomb Border
- 45 Minute Boost
- 200 Rogue Bucks
- Fire Breather Emote
- 45 Minute Boost
- Phantom Samurai Banner
- Cherry Blossom Wingsuit
- 60 Minute Boost
- Circuit Breaker Melee Wrap
- Gunfire Geometry Emote
- 200 Rogue Bucks
- Immortal Title
- Salty Sprinkles Spray
- Dragon Fire Border
- Kikuma Saint Outfit
- Laser Shark Banner
- Shattered Glass Border
- 60 Minute Boost
- 200 Rogue Bucks
- Samurai Title
- Critical Error Primary Wrap
- Powered Up Emote
- Digital Death Avatar
- Crystalised Neon Hoverboard
- 60 Minute Boost
- Prismatic Primary Wrap
- 200 Rogue Bucks
- Peace Awaits Banner
- Legendary Title
- Season Three Avatar
- Exotic KA30 Weapon Wrap
- Lone Wolf Talon
Season Three Ranked begins today, granting last season’s rewards and unlocking new ones to earn! For those of you new to Ranked:
- You must be Account Level 30 to participate
- You will play in 10 Qualifier matches to determine your Ranked Division and Tier
- Each Division (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond) has 5 Tiers
- Rank Points can be earned or lost by winning or losing matches
If you’ve ever wanted to know more about your favorite Rogue, new Bio information is now available! Brand new bios will give you more insight into their backgrounds and personalities.
We have improved the visuals of the buy menu prompt when purchasing weapons.
Upon purchasing a Primary Weapon, players can now swap between both their Primary Weapons FREE of charge! Additionally, when players buy an upgrade for one primary weapon, they’re also upgrading their other primary weapon! The Buy One, Get One System empowers players to control how they approach each round, objective, and life.
Upgrades, Upgraded! All Weapon Upgrades have been upgraded with Season Three. We want the choice to upgrade your Primary Weapon to be meaningful and impactful, so we’ve introduced new upgrades such as jump inaccuracy penalty removal and have made existing upgrades such as the hipfire accuracy increase more noticeable. Note that upgrade levels also transfer when you switch Primary weapons.
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy and reduces recoil
- Level 2 Upgrade: Suppresses firing and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases hipfire accuracy and reduces reticle bloom
LW6 Revolver
- Level 1 Upgrade: Headshot damage increased from 60 to 65
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy
A3 Salvo
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 2 Upgrade: Improves damage range and further reduces accuracy bloom
- Further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Reduces recoil and increases reload speed
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy and removes jump penalty
- Level 3 Upgrade: Suppresses firing and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases damage range and increases movement speed while aiming
- Level 3 Upgrade: Improves accuracy and reduces recoil
- Improved damage falloff
- Level 1 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases damage range and removes jump inaccuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases magazine size (to 40) and reduces recoil
- Level 1 Upgrade: Fire rate increased to 8.5
- Level 2 Upgrade: Reduces recoil & increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases reload speed and removes jump inaccuracy penalty
Assault Rifles
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy and reduces recoil
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases damage range and ready your weapon faster after sprinting
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases damage range and bullets now pierce through enemies
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases hipfire accuracy and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 3 Upgrade: Suppresses firing and reduces recoil
MLX Mark 4
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and ready your weapon faster after sprinting
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases damage range and suppresses firing
- Level 1 Upgrade: Magazine size increased to 35
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further reduces reticle bloom and reload time
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases damage range and reduces recoil
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Reduces recoil and ready your weapon faster after sprinting
- Level 1 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases fire rate to 2.5
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 2 Upgrade: Reduces recoil and further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases damage range and increases movement speed while aiming
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and bullets now pierce through enemies
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases hipfire accuracy and reduces reticle bloom
- Level 3 Upgrade: Suppresses firing and further reduces recoil
Arren L2-12
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and further improves reload speed
- Level 2 Upgrade: Reduces recoil and further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases damage range and hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Suppresses firing and reduces recoil
- Damage falloff significantly reduced
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases fire rate to 3.0
- Level 2 Upgrade: Improved hipfire accuracy and reduced recoil
Striker 8×10
- Damage falloff significantly reduced
- Level 1 Upgrade: Damage increased from 64 to 72
- Level 2 Upgrade: Further increases hipfire accuracy
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and bullets pierce through enemies
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases fire rate to 0.4
S12 Tactical
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases hipfire accuracy & reduces reticle bloom
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases fire rate to 0.333
- Now has the correct amount of reserve ammunition
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases magazine size and further increases movement speed while aiming
- Level 3 Upgrade: Reduces recoil and reticle bloom
- Now has the correct amount of reserve ammunition
- Level 2 Upgrade: Increases the rate you gain accuracy while firing & bullets now pierce through enemies
- Level 3 Upgrade: Increases damage range and further increases reload speed
Sniper Rifles
LR15 Fullbody
- Now has the correct amount of reserve ammunition
REWORKED: Once again, the Tyr is a 2-shot sniper rifle with a fast re-fire rate. As a result, its damage has been reduced and handling has been adjusted.
- Level 1 Upgrade: Increases scope speed and movement speed while aiming.
- Level 2 Upgrade: Significantly increases reload speed and increases fire rate
- Level 3 Upgrade: Nullifies damage falloff and increases headshot damage
- Ability duration reduced from 12 to 6 seconds
- Changed Primary Weapon from HRM-30KS to Riptide
- Reduced radius
- Duration reduced by 0.5 seconds
Incendiary Grenade
We felt that reworking the Incendiary Grenade to deploy a single patch of flame was a more consistent and predictable experience, both playing with and against it. In addition, the new singular patch better reflects what is seen in the targeter when aiming your throw and now scales much more noticeably with the radius upgrade.
- Redesigned to deploy a single, circular patch of flame
- Friendly fire damage reduced from 75% to 10% in all non-ranked queues
King of the Hill
Cash drops have been a successful addition to our respawn modes. They benefit from promoting movement around the map and serving to punish camping in Team Deathmatch. While that remains mostly true for King of The Hill, cash drops serve an essential role in bolstering the economy of players who are busy capturing the hill instead of aggressively pursuing kills. In a future update, we will be rewarding players who are playing the objective with cash.
$500 global cash drops added
Favelas soccer field point increased in size. Silo point moved.
In Demolition, we wanted to make for a slightly shorter experience in match times.
- The number of rounds changed from 15 to 11
- Starting cash changed from $5,000 to $13,000
Ranked Demolition
- Breach added to the rotation
Custom Games
- Palace added to the map list
- Fixed an issue where players would not remain crouched if auto-sprint was enabled
- Fixed an issue where two voice lines would be played after selecting a Rogue
- Fixed an issue where players could get to unintended locations
- Fixed an issue where Gl1tch could not disrupt Saint’s Medic Drone
- Fixed an issue that made Night Sky Dahlia appear very light on Nintendo Switch
- Fixed an issue where the upgraded Incendiary Grenade caused an invisible area of damage
- Fixed an issue where players with the perk “Resupply” would not receive an additional adrenaline shot when picking up a supply crate.
Fixed an issue where played names would appear as “Loading…”
Source: Rogue Company