EA and Respawn Entertainment today released a new update for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Below are the full patch notes for this update on December 17th.
The Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Update 1.06 can now be downloaded for PS4, Xbox One and PC. All in all you need to download and install 150 MB on the PS4.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Update 1.06 Patch Notes
We’ve updated Cal so that he is more responsive during combat. This change includes tweaks to stagger reactions, kicks, flybacks, staff parry and sprint attacks.
Fixed an issue that would cause ledge grabs and climbing to sometimes behave incorrectly.
Fixed an audio issue that would sometimes cause sound effects to play in the incorrect order.
Multiple collision fixes across both Zeffo and Bogano.
BD-1 would sometimes not scan one of the Zeffo Villagers after a shutdown during saving. Everyone’s favourite droid is now scanning as expected.
Terrarium sometimes wasn’t a very nurturing environment, preventing seeds from growing. It should now give your plants the love and care that they deserve, encouraging them to grow properly.
General stability improvements
Where can download??????? Ps4???? Wheeeerreeee?????
Please give a new game +
This update has made my game 100% unplayable. (Xbox One).
The already LONG load times have doubled.
Taking Zip Lines result in a death screen that says hit X to respawn with no response.
The music glitches out.
The Galaxy Map doesn’t allow you to change planets.
plz remove motion blur ty
Por favor agreguen la partida nueva ➕, saludos.
When will there be more missions or campaign, really loved playing this and need too have more to the game, I hope they bring more into it, like when in a campaign you could fly a ship and shoot