SYN – Tencent presents the first tech demo for a cyberpunk open world shooter

SYN – Tencent presents the first tech demo for a cyberpunk open world shooter

“Codename: SYN” was independently developed by Tencent Photonics Studio Group. It is a technical demo of an open-world shooting game for the PC and console platforms of the global game market. As a technical demo, “Code: SYN” carries the photon’s aesthetic thinking and technical precipitation in exploring the field of console masterpieces, and also conveys the direction and level of photon’s future research and development of console games.

SYN combines cyberpunk theme with East Asian trend culture to create a unique open world. In the first video, some of the scene elements have distinctive Chinese characteristics. The familiar urban style is superimposed with cyberpunk elements to construct a future world that combines reality and fantasy.


SYN – Technical demonstration

Written by: Dom

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