Warframe Update 1.83 Patch Notes on March 16th

Warframe Update 1.83 Patch Notes on March 16th

Digital Extremes has released a new Warframe update for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Here you can find the complete patch notes for this update.

Warframe update 1.83 is now available for download. This Warframe update raises the global version number to 27.2.2, the PS4 client patch version should be 1.83. Warframe will go from 48 GB to roughly 29 GB after it has been fully downloaded again!


Warframe Patch Notes 1.83 – Update 27.2.2

Console Specific Notes: 

  • Similarly to when we deployed Warframe Revised on PC, our PS4 Tenno can expect a 2x Affinity Weekend to follow the week that the update is deployed. We will post a PSA once the bonus weekend is live!
  • Controller Changes & Fixes:
    • Added a new Railjack pilot control “Pilot Centered Crosshair” option that, when set, the look input will only turn the Railjack and will not affect your crosshair. To enable/disable go to Options > Controls > Scroll down to “Railjack”:
      • You are already familiar with the enabled state of this option as it was the previous default and only crosshair option. Now, when you disable this option, the left stick will move your Railjack (forward/back/side to side), and the right stick will now allow you to freely move the reticle across the screen. 
    • Increased the smooth time for non-centered reticles while piloting/using turrets in the Railjack.
    • Fixed missing bumper functionality when cycling through Components and Armaments categories in the Configure Railjack panel.
    • Fixed both the “on” and “off” state of the Railjack Ability Menu not getting bound to the Custom Ability Menu keybind.
    • Fixed an issue where rebinding the Ability Menu in the Railjack controller options would allow you to open it with the new binding, but force you to use the default binding to close it. Rebinding the Ability Menu will now use the new binding to open and close it.
    • Fixed customizing your Railjack controls always showing them as their default button regardless of the changes.
    • Fixed “Vector Maneuver” and “Drift Maneuver” not functioning as intended (only boosting) due to binding conflicts.
    • Fixed an issue where performing a Dodge while piloting Railjack would only ever cause it to lunge downwards.
    • Fixed Blink not working who have never customized their controls (ie. using defaults).
    • Fixed custom Railjack bindings not applying to hijacked Crewship turrets.
    • Fixed ability to endlessly descend the Railjack by holding down bumpers while Piloting.
    • Fixed “Search” and “Show Ranked” being bound to the same button, causing priority issues on selecting in the Avionics screen.
    • Fixed an issue where “Move Up/Down” couldn’t be rebound in the Railjack controller options.
    • Fixed excessive “rise/fall” sound triggering when Piloting Railjack due to controller issues.
    • Fixed script error when equipping Armaments onto your Railjack due to controller issues.Increased the smooth time for non-centered reticles while piloting/using turrets in the Railjack. 
    • Fixed missing button functionality to swap through tips in the Railjack Configure screen. 
    • Fixed “Search” and “Show Ranked” being bound to the same button, causing priority issues on selecting in the Avionics screen. 
    • Fixed script error when equipping Armaments onto your Railjack due to controller issues. 
    • Fixed excessive “rise/fall” sound triggering when piloting Railjack due to controller issues.
    • Fixed Railjack and Decoration placement headers appearing under the Archwing settings in Options > Controls. 
    • Fixed “Search” and “Show Ranked” both being bound to L3 when using a controller, causing priority issues on selecting in the Avionics screen. 
    • Fixed an issue where “Move Up/Down” couldn’t be rebound in Railjack controller options.
    • Fixed an issue where rebinding the Ability Menu in the Railjack tab controller options would allow you to open it with the new binding, but force you to use the default binding to close it. Rebinding the Ability Menu will now use the new binding to open and close it. 
    • Fixed customizing your Railjack controller controls always showing them as their default button regardless of the changes. 
    • Fixed “Vector Maneuver” and “Drift Maneuver” not functioning as intended (only boosting) due to controller issues. 
  • Major optimization for Survival missions geared predominantly to improve performance on consoles.
  • The following additions that came with PC’s Update 27.2.0 will not be live in this update for PS4: 
    • HDR Preview: We are looking into the tech support to potentially bring the HDR Preview option to PS4 Pro – stay tuned!
    • Deferred Rendering Preview: We are looking into the tech support to potentially bring this option in the future! 
    • Audio dynamics processing to master output: The code to support this is currently not ready to go live on PS4 with this update! We are working towards it for a future release. 

PS4 Specific Notes: 

  • Made fixes towards high-latency issues in the Vox Solaris quest, as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1165740-vox-solaris-quest-bug/
  • Fixed clipping issue with Titania’s Empress skin and the Obsidian Corvus Syandana. 
  • Made improvements towards a (up to 4 second) hang that could occur when selecting “Appearance” in the Arsenal.  

The New War Chapters:
A Codex Quest chapter entry for The New War has been added for those who have completed the Sacrifice Quest! As you might be aware, The New War has started, and with Scarlet Spear coming soon we want players to be properly informed as The New War develops. If you have yet to complete the Chimera Prologue or the Erra Quest, head to The New War Codex Quest entry to access a shortcut to these Quests.

Railjack Onboarding Changes:
The Rising Tide Quest gives you your very own Railjack, but the barrier to entry is – conclusively with months of stats – too high. We are releasing a revised series of Blueprints (BP) in the Quest that sees costs reduced between 66% – 75% for Railjack parts, and building time reduced to 6 hours each.

There are 3 situations players may find themselves in:

1. Haven’t started Rising Tide. Anyone just beginning will have fully new reduced BP costs.
2. Has started Rising Tide. Anyone with any progress at all gets 1x Rush Repair Drone, and will transition to new costs on the next Stage. Any old costs will be refunded.
3. Rising Tide Complete. Anyone with a complete quest gets 2x Rush Repair Drone. All cost differences will be refunded.

Upon Review, stats show truly the only people that saw Rising Tide to completion were our veterans, which was originally our intent to design content for veteran players. However, to sustain the cost of future development and events like Scarlet Spear, accessibility is key and we have to adjust the barriers to entry for Railjack. For those who were early adopters, 2x Rush Repair Drones will be given out. Anyone with the Rising Tide Quest active will receive 1x Rush Repair Drone. For those unfamiliar with Rush Repair Drones: these items can only be acquired via rare drop in the Veil Proxima, as they allow you to instantly complete a given Armament or Component.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added a new Crewship in Veil Proxima missions: Exo Skold Crewship! It is a variant of the Gokstad but it has an impenetrable shield – you’ll have to get crafty to figure out how to take it down, Tenno.
  • Added a ‘Forge All’ button on the Railjack Payload screen in the Dry Dock.
  • Avionics Screen no longer uses ‘Hold to Confirm’.
  • Intrinsics Screen no longer uses ‘Hold to Confirm’.
  • Avionics that are over capacity will now appear as “disabled” instead of being outright removed.
  • In a continued effort to avoid getting downed in Railjack situations you can’t control:
    • 4 seconds of invulnerability will be given when entering a Crewship via the Archwing Slingshot.
    • 2 seconds of invulnerability will be given when using context actions and the Omni Recall.
  • The Railjack Payload screen will now show the total Ordnance Ammo you have in your account when you’re in the Dry Dock, to make it clear that you aren’t wasting anything if you craft more than your Railjack can carry.
  • Disabled migrations during Railjack level transitioning (Void tunnel) to avoid putting new Host in completely broken states.
  • Disabled ability to enter the Archwing Slingshot while in a level transition (Void tunnel) due to loading into the Railjack mission in many broken states.
  • Improved Railjack Grineer Fighter variety across all 3 Proxima regions.
    • The way the levels were set up on the various Grineer Fighters, some of the nodes had level ranges that were too high for all the varieties to appear (The Elite varieties on Earth never spawned for example). So we re-adjusted the level ranges for the various Grineer fighters (Kosma, Gyre, Exo) across all 3 regions , so that there was a better spread of the different fighter types across the nodes. In other words, the lower level nodes of a region will spawn the basic fighter types and then as the difficulty of the nodes progress the Elites are slowly introduced.
  • When a Railjack mission completes, downed/dead players will be Revived and all Revives will be reset. Allowing you and your squad to continue on your Railjack journey instead of having to return to the Dry Dock.
    • This fixes staying stuck in spectator mode in all Railjack missions if all Revives have been used up.
  • Quick Meleeing with the Omni tool in hand will no longer unequip the Omni. This is now consistent with other Gear items, like Fishing/Mining.
  • In an effort to increase stat exposure and reduce clickthrough scenarios, we’ve made some changes to how Railjack Armament stats are displayed:
    • Railjack Armament stats now show up below the description in the info popup without having to navigate to the second tab.
    • Upon selecting an Armament that is not equipped, the UI will display it’s comparison stats with your current equipped weapon side by side.
  • You can now scrap as much Wreckage as desired when prompted due to being at max capacity before missions instead of just the minimum amount.
    • We found it quite cumbersome to have to go back to the Railjack Configure panel in the Dry Dock to clear out your Wreckage inventory over and over again. The previous implementation forced players to run into this prompt often and could cause them to fail loading into a mission (or worse causing instant migrations if Host). This new implementation prevents this issue from occurring and gives more freedom on how much Wreckage to clear outside of the Configure panel.
  • Enemy Crewships will now take on the Health and Armor values of the player’s Railjack when hijacked.
    • Shield values do not apply here as Grineer enemies do not have Shields.
  • The Forward Artillery will now fire on release instead of auto firing immediately after charge is complete.
    • After 3 seconds of holding the charge, the Cannon will auto fire. This brief time allows you to have more control over where you want that cannon fire to land.
  • Added “Sigma” category to sort through Sigma series Components and Armaments in your Railjack Configure panel.
  • Improved the wing cam when using the Tactical Map – it should be much more instant when transitioning!
  • Increased Railjack’s Energy tube material brightness to make it a bit more obvious with darker tints.
  • Changed material tinting across all Railjack Skins so that it matches and is more consistent with the base Railjack.
  • Improved the Crewship meltdown FX so that it is more obvious from the exterior.
  • Avionics that are incompatible with the selected Grid slot will be auto listed at the bottom and appear greyed out to avoid confusion as to why it can’t be equipped.
  • Armaments/Components that are equipped in the selected slot are now marked as “equipped”, Armaments/Components equipped in other slots are still marked as “equipped on X”. This directly correlates to the below fix:
    • Fixed Railjack Armaments/Components UI not displaying the correct name of the selected Armament/Component when Scrapping, resulting in accidental Scrapping of your equipped Armament/Component.
  • Improved performance of enemy fighter markers in Railjack missions.
  • Reduced brightness on the Dome Charge FX.
  • Fixed Railjack Clients crashing aboard the Missile Platform after destroying the core.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality for Clients upon loading into a Railjack mission.
    • More specifically, this issue would result in the Client appearing to skate around instead of walk, hold an invisible weapon, and getting completely stuck when mounting a Turret.
  • Fixed progression stopping bug if a Host migration occurred after the first radiator has been exposed on a Pulse Turbine POI, and players then proceed to destroy the exposed radiators.
    • After the Host migration, both radiators would be visible and vulnerable, at which destroying both of them would leave the mission broken due to having nothing to destroy after hacking the second console for the second radiator.
  • Fixed loading into a Railjack mission from friends Orbiter leaves Client screen black.
  • Fixed Clients having no Archwing if the Railjack mission was launched after being invited to an Orbiter.
  • Fixed falling in an endless void after using the Archwing Slingshot as a Client into an exploding Crewship and attempting to leave the ship.
  • Fixed Clients experiencing infinite loading when attempting to load into the Dojo from the Star Chart with the Host.
  • Fixed an edge case where performing a finisher at the moment the Crewship reached metldown punting you back to the Railjack in a very dead state.
  • Fixed an edge case where using a Turret or doing a finisher in a Crewship when the Omni tool’s countdown expired could leave you in a broken state and not recalling you.
  • Fixed Railjack Breaches sometimes being unrepairable when joining an active mission.
  • Fixed inability to use certain Intrinsics during a Railjack mission as the Operator.
  • Fixed Clients sometimes not being able to activate Railjack Battle Avionics.
  • Fixed ability to gain Railjack Flux Energy for free from killing enemies with a Battle Avionic.
  • Fixed the Intrinsic skill “Tactical Efficiency” (Tactical Rank 6) not modifying the Flux Energy cost of using Battle Avionics in a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed the Intrinsic skill “Reflex Aim” (Gunnery Rank 10) not snapping the player’s targeting reticle to the nearest enemy lead if using a Railjack hit-scan laser weapon.
  • Fixed inability to use Archwing Sprint if you were crouching/sliding as you exited the Railjack.
  • Fixed max Ranked Railjack ‘Tether’ Avionic not tethering up to 6 enemies as intended.
  • Fixed more cases of the never ending tunnel when loading into Railjack missions after 2 players select different nodes at the same time.
  • Fixed missing markers for Command Link when Piloting or using a Turret.
  • Fixed the reticle getting stuck on the right side of the screen when you aim down sights while Piloting with Rank 10 Gunnery.
  • Fixed Railjack Turrets aiming towards the Tether Avionic projectile when cast, causing them to point in weird directions
  • Fixed Ramsled boarded enemies remaining frozen in place after casting the Tactical Avionic ‘Intruder Stasis’ even after they’ve died.
  • Fixed Ramsleds not getting affected by Status Effects.
  • Fixed an issue where Heat Avionics were not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed description for ‘Void Cloak’ in The Tactical Menu not displaying the correct cooldown time if Tactical Rank is 7+.
  • Fixed being able to close the Tactical Menu during “Recall Warp” which caused further attempts to use “Recall Warp” to no longer function.
  • Fixed gaining max Health and Shields, Power Strength and presumably any other Archwing-specific bonuses while using Titania’s Razorwing mode in Railjack.
    • This is due to the Intrinsic Ranks that grant Archwing bonuses ( Vigilant Archwing, Vengeful Archwing, etc). These only apply to your true Archwing, not tiny fairy mode.
  • Fixed projectile speeds of certain Armaments causing bandwidth issues for Clients.
  • Fixed getting stuck on alt camera angle while piloting Railjack. This also fixes the issue of losing HUD when swapping back to Piloting view after being at an alt angle.
  • Fixed Void Hole appearing offset if activated by a Client who is Piloting the Railjack.
  • Fixed being equipped with your Parazon or completely unarmed if you use the Crafting Forge in your Railjack while your Omni Tool or Scanner is equipped.
  • Fixed several issues when entering the transportation tubes in the Sentient Anomaly:
    • Fixed automatic weapons continuously firing while traveling in the tube.
    • Fixed issues with staying in the tube if attempting to move around in all kinds of directions.
    • Fixed Operators in Void Mode speed running in the tube.
    • Fixed issues with getting stuck in the Pause menu while traveling in the tube.
  • Fixed inability to use Transference after spamming Transference while trying to exit the Railjack.
  • Fixed crash when using Transference at the same time as entering the Railjack Slingshot.
  • Fixed loading into the Archwing Slingshot with an Arch Gun active, causing players to fire the Arch Gun instead of hurling their Warframes out of the Slingshot.
  • Fixed Companion Pets sometimes being gigantic on the Railjack.
  • Fixed your Warframe having disjointed hips when Bullet Jumping into the Forward Artillery.
  • Fixed cases of the Asteroid Base being invisible in Railjack unless you had geometry detail set to High.
  • Fixed Avionic and Salvage pickup markers at times not showing distance values.
  • Fixed inconsistent Crewship meltdown timers if you had numerous Crewships in meltdown mode.
  • Fixed being put in a broken state when attempting to execute a Crewship pilot at the same time as the Crewship enters meltdown mode.
  • Fixed some edge cases where players could get stuck when trying to pilot an enemy Crewship that is in meltdown mode.
  • Fixed a rare case where your weapons function as Unmodded when boarding an enemy Crewship as a Client.
  • Fixed projectiles from stolen Crewship looping around in a circle before disappearing.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if you executed the pilot of an enemy Crewship just as it was exploding.
  • Fixed mission objective UI appearing and overlapping the Options menu when you pause the game while using a Turret in the Railjack or stolen Crewship.
  • Fixed projectile Armaments like the Apoc or Cryophon ignoring the gigantic rocks in front of enemies and damaging them anyways.
  • Fixed a ‘Hold to Revive’ prompt appearing outside the top of the Railjack during a Catastrophic Failure. Allowing you to actually revive the Railjack’s Health with that apparently very effective green hand gas.
  • Fixed various collision issues in the Railjack that allowed Titania to exit the railjack while in Razorwing.
  • Fixed missile-distraction abilities from Odonata and Elytron being ineffective against missiles that stop tracking halfway in Railjack missions. This notably affects the long-range Grineer Crewship missiles (not the shorter range cannons, which aren’t homing).
  • Fixed scaling issue with the Imperator Vandal’s muzzle smoke FX in Railjack missions.
  • Fixed Railjack Glyphs sometimes appearing when inside the Archwing Slingshot.
  • Fixed not seeing your custom Railjack name when viewing the Railjack while in Archwing.
  • Fixed a copy of your Warframe being created after selecting the Dry Dock as Operator and Transferring back to Warframe. This also fixes issues of having a bunch of sentient Excalibur Umbras running around.
  • More fixes towards broken Dry Docks when some players have different progression into the Rising Tide Quest.
  • Potential fix towards Clients unable to exit the Railjack once back in the Dry Dock from a mission.
  • Fixed Operators taking on the color scheme of the Railjack interior after exiting any of the turrets in the Railjack.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing Host’s Railjack customizations (colors and Skin).
  • More fixes towards scrolling back to top issue when contributing or rushing a Railjack weapon or component. Now when you contribute or rush the window will remain where the item is as to not force you to search for it again.
  • Fixed Railjack Configure UI screen overlapping with the Trading window when invited and accepting to trade in the Dojos. This also fixes being unable to accept invites while on the Intrinsics menu.
  • Fixed an issue where a “Select All” option was appearing in the Railjack Scrap menu, but had no functionality.
  • Fixed a black shadow replacing one of the Wreckage icons when selecting MR tabs in the Railjack Configure panel.
  • Fixed Wreckage having to be deselected and reselected to show available options after you previously Contributed to it.
  • Fixed Scrapping equipped Reactor causing issues with re-equipping Avionics that were auto-unequipped to fit back under capacity.
  • Fixed selecting ‘Ask Me Later’ on the over capacity Wreckage prompt causing a long delay.
  • Fixed missing warning when attempting to Trade an already equipped Avionic.
  • Fixed some cases where the Grid in the Railjack Configure panel would show less elements than intended.
  • Fixed inability to use the ‘Change Loadout’ button functionality in the Railjack Navigation screen when anchored in the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed Rank checkmarks in the Intrinsic Details list not automatically updating after you’ve Ranked up.
  • Fixed the new chosen colours of your Railjack not saving if you go into the Payload screen right after changing colours.
  • Fixed Client players UI Theme color persisting on screen if said player is viewing the Payload, Avionic or Intrinsics screen when the Host launches a mission.
  • Fixed Platinum price of Glyphs/Railjack Skin displaying when hovering over the already purchased and selected Glyph/Railjack Skin in the Customization screen.
  • Fixed Railjack Customization UI lingering after purchasing and equipping a Railjack Skin.
  • Fixed selecting the Companion loadout in the Railjack Arsenal starting from a black screen and moving to the Companion station in the Dojo.
  • Fixed Dry Dock docking clamps disappearing at certain angles form viewed from inside the top level of the Railjack.
  • Fixed Codex missing descriptions for the Exo Raider, Exo Raider Carver, and Exo Raider Eviscerator.
  • Fixed missing localization when loading into the “Railjack Key Mission” in the Rising Tide Quest. It is now properly localized to “INVESTIGATE COORDINATES ON LUA”.
  • Fixed a script error as well as a case where some of the effects of the Forward Artillery gun in Railjack lingered forever if you started and stopped charging it very rapidly.
  • Fixed the banners in the Dry Dock near the entrances not using the Clan Emblem.
  • Made fixes towards POI marker inconsistencies.
  • Potential fix for a script error that occured when collecting loot in a Railjack POI.
  • Fixed script error with host migration after exiting Railjack.
  • Fixed unlocalized Avionics.
  • Fixed a couple cases of Grineer Mines being unlocalized.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Sentient Anomaly mission due to objective resetting.
  • Fixed Railjack Battle Avionic icons appearing white in mission.
  • Fixed a script error when dismounting the Archwing Cannon in Railjack.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to Scrap a selected Armament.
  • Fixed a script error after Scrapping Wreckage.
  • Fixed ability to spawn Crewships almost indefinitely, resulting in exploitive Intrinsic farming.
  • Fixed getting a black screen after exiting the Railjack while Transferring to the Operator at the same time.
  • Fixed inability to Scrap the Fiery Phoenix Battle Avionic due to the description exceeding the screen limits.
  • Fixed an invisible blocking volume when a Clan Hall is placed just below the Drydock
  • Fixed a lengthy hitch when switching Loadouts in the Railjack Navigation panel.
  • Fixed the Avionic Upgrade window auto scrolling up after Upgrading an Avionic, instead of leaving you in the position you were in prior.
  • Fixed seeing ‘[HC] Vidar Fire Suppress’ when using the Tactical Intrinsic Ability Fire Suppression when your Railjack has both fire and electrical damage.
  • Fixes towards a script error after returning to the Dry Dock from a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed a script error in the Sentient Anomaly mission.

Kuva Lich Changes & Fixes:

  • We have removed the back-to-back Kuva Lich weapon mechanic where your Kuva Lich would have a guaranteed different Kuva weapon than its immediate predecessor.
    • With the change of the Kuva Larvling now displaying its birthed Kuva Lich weapon, there was no need to maintain the back-to-back restriction as you can now just choose to ignore or take the back-to-back weapon if you wish you use it for Valence Fusion.
  • Requiem Murmurs from failing a Kuva Lich Parazon stab will now be shared with the entire squad!
    • If we take a trip down memory lane, we’ll arrive at The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6, where a fix was included from PC’s Hotfix 26.0.5 that fixed all players receiving Kuva Lich Requiem Murmur progress whenever someone in the squad failed to kill their Kuva Lich. This was never actually live for our console players as the same update that introduced it also included the fix that removed it. Our intentions to have the Kuva Lich tied exclusively to the respective player were genuine, but the feedback has shone light on what is a worthwhile feature for the Kuva Lich system given its pace towards success. We have bigger plans for Liches for connecting them to other Systems, but this change is the only one ready for Mainline!
  • Kuva weapon innate bonus damage values now show when you are equipping the weapon in the Arsenal!
  •  Removed the Kuva Bramma from Conclave eligibility due to not being Conclave balanced yet. 
  • Added fancy new FX when Valence Fusion has been successfully completed!
  •  The Kuva Lich section of the Codex now has tabs for Active, Vanquished, Converted, and Traded Liches!
  •  Decreased the chances of Kuva Lich controlled sectors forcing an Exterminate situation to allow for more gamemode chances.
  • Fixed Clients unable to use the pause menu after Parazon stabbing a Kuva Lich.
  • Fixed the Kuva Nukor, Kuva Hind, and Kuva Bramma weapon progression showing as complete in the Codex when at Rank 30 instead of it’s true completed Rank of 40.
  •  Fixed only 1 Kuva weapon maintaining its innate bonus damage attribute and respective Kuva Lich name when claiming multiple Kuva weapons using the ‘Claim All’ button in the Foundry.
    • This retroactively fixes the Kuva weapons that lost out on their innate bonus damage by giving them back their random buff. Unfortunately, the Kuva Lich name can’t be easily associated with the Kuva weapon, so these fixed weapons will have the default Kuva weapon name (Kuva Tonkor, Kuva Bramma, etc).
  •  Fixed Kuva Larvling not spawning Kuva Lich if downed before Host migration and captured after Host migration.
  •  Fixed becoming stuck on a Rampart after Parazon stabbing your Kuva Lich on it.
  •  Fixed more instances where Parazon Finishers were applying your Melee weapon’s attack speed with equipped Melee mods in Kuva Lich controlled missions.
  •  Fixed existing Kuva weapon name not being displayed when attempting to rename the weapon.
  •  Fixed an issue that would cause the Kuva Lich to slide when downed while doing a dodge.
  •  Fixed downed Kuva Lich still proceeding to break backs (which was removed in 27.1.0) in an invisible state.
  •  More fixes towards Kuva Liches with the “Ruse” ability not having the same Warframe Helmet on the clones if an alternate helmet is equipped upon Lich creation.
  •  Fixed the Kuva Lich button not appearing in the UI in the rare case where a Nightwave season is not active.
  •  Fixed small FX offset issues with the Kuva Bramma when reloading.
  •  Fixed being able to bypass the cooldown between scoped shots with the Kuva Quartakk and Quatz by scoping and unscoping between shots.
  •  Fixed issue where Requiem Mods would always appear in their Defiled version when viewing them in the Codex.
  •  Fixed squad members of a player who is in the middle of selecting their Kuva Lich’s fate being unable to unlock Lockers.
  •  Fixed Kuva Larvlings downed by Warframe abilities not displaying their Kuva weapon above their head. 
  •  Fixed Ally Kuva Liches having the Enthrall ability and Enthralling Tenno factions like Defense Consoles, Sentinels, etc.
  •  Fixed inability to Vanquish/Convert your Kuva Lich if a player in the mission is dead.
  •  Fixes towards diminished Health on a Kuva Lich not being maintained after a Host migration occurs.
  •  Fixes towards Kuva Liches spawning midair in the Jupiter Gas City tileset and falling forever into teleport volumes.
  •  Fixed cases of default Corpus enemies spawning in a Kuva Lich controlled Jupiter Gas City Spy, Sabotage, or Rescue mission once the Objective has been reached.
  •  Fixed numerous issues if a Host migration occurred during a Kuva Lich mission:
  •  Fixed getting stuck on the Vanquish/Convert screen if a Host migration occurred while a Client is Vanquishing their Kuva Lich.
  •  Fixed Clients able to kill a recently migrated Host’s Kuva Lich, resulting in 1,200 Kuva being rewarded, as well as being able to see the Lich’s head mesh idling/walking in place after defeat.
  •  Fixed broken reward UI after a Host migration occurs.
  •  Fixed Parazon being stuck equipped after a Host migration occurred during a Kuva Lich Kill attempt.
  •  Fixed duplicates of Kuva Lich Taxed Rivens not being returned when the Kuva Lich is Vanquished/Converted.
  •  Fixed being in a perma-ragdolled state after attempting to stab a Kuva Lich and failing the Requiem guess.
  •  Fixed mission map lingering on screen after opening the Kuva Lich screen.
  •  Fixed a script error when attempting to kill the Kuva Lich and a squadmate disconnects.
  •  Fixed a crash that occurred when a Host migrated while a Kuva Lich was downed.
  •  Fixed a crash that could occur if a Kuva Lich applied a Radiation Status Effect to the Defense target on the Lua Stöfler node.


The patch notes are extremely long, so we have only made a large part available to you. The full details can be found here:

Source: Warframe

Written by: Carizma

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Join Discussion
  1. Seolearnbd.Com May 5, 2020 | Reply

    Fixed an issue that allowed you to use your Void Offerings via the Gear Menu when you were close to a Bursa. The intended way for your offering to be retrieved was via hacking the Bursa’s back panel, not by using the Gear menu. This is what lead to the majority of score-related credit consumption bugs. Now that it is fixed, we will begin working on the reimbursement script.

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