And there is the next hotfix for World of Warcraft! At the moment, a new update for troubleshooting and optimizing Shadowlands appears almost every day.
The WoW update is available as soon as you log in with the launcher. You have to download and install around 123 MB.
World of Warcraft Patch Notes on December 18
- While Anduin Wrynn and Baine Bloodhoof are somewhere in the Shadowlands, their criteria has been removed from the BB King Feast of Winter Veil achievement.
- Forest Shriekers now correctly display as melee.
- Mage
- Arcane
- Touch of the Magi will no longer replicate increased damage taken bonuses from the target.
- Arcane
- Priest
- Discipline
- Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now properly extend Atonements while other Discipline Priests are present in the group.
- Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now extend Atonements that were applied right before casting Spirit Shell.
- Holy
- Cardinal Mending’s (PvP Talent) healing on pets and NPCs can no longer exceed the caster’s maximum health.
- Discipline
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Focused Malignancy (Conduit) will now provide its damage increase when selecting the Rampant Afflictions talent.
- Affliction
- Kyrian
- Fixed an issue where characters who swapped to the Kyrian Covenant would be told to complete the quest “A Calling in Bastion,” but be unable to complete the quest.
- Fixed an issue where Xandria could phase out while on the Kyrian Campaign quest “A Perilous Journey” while she still offered a Calling quest.
- Fixed an issue where Kyrian players who disconnected, summoned, or otherwise left the vehicle during the quest “Fight and Flight” would not be placed near Xandria and may be unable to interact with her.
- Night Fae
- Soulbound Spectre’s now deal appropriate damage and absorption during the quest “Cleansing the Forest.”
- Fixed an issue where a small number of players were unable to see Featherlight for the quests “Break a Leg”, “The Fourth Wall, er, War”, and “What’s My Motivation?”
- Venthyr
- Stock: Appetizers now unlocks when reaching Friendly with the Ember Court. This upgrade grants you an additional 2 minutes in the Ember Court once you complete the quest chain that starts from Picky Stefan, your refreshment coordinator.
- Developers’ note: While we are seeing people successfully making their guests happy, we want to give players a little more time to explore and try new guest combinations to help them prepare for when they unlock 3 guests in a few weeks.
- Stock: Appetizers now unlocks when reaching Friendly with the Ember Court. This upgrade grants you an additional 2 minutes in the Ember Court once you complete the quest chain that starts from Picky Stefan, your refreshment coordinator.
Creatures and NPCs
- Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Huntsman Altimor
- Fixed an issue that caused Huntsman Altimor to not be afflicted with Broken Bond after Hecutis was defeated.
- Sun King’s Salvation
- Smoldering Remnants now wait 1.5 seconds before starting to inflict damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Reduced the damage of Smoldering Remnants by 10% on Normal difficulty.
- Council of Blood
- Fixed an issue that would prevent Veteran Stoneguard from being attackable during Danse Macabre.
- Stone Legion Generals
- Anima Infusion, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Infusion, and Volatile Anima Infection can no longer be removed by immunities.
- Fixed issue that caused Wicked Blade to sometimes hit moving players twice.
- Fixed issue sometimes causing 2 Wicked Blades to be launched simultaneously.
- Huntsman Altimor
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- Holy Priests will now have their deaths count against the dungeon timer.
- Spires of Ascension
- Fixed an issue preventing certain charge abilities from working on Forsworn Justicar.
- Kin-Tara
- Overhead Slash now only strikes her primary target and its damage has been reduced by 40%. The tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
- Increased the distance at which melee characters can attack Kin-Tara.
- Theater of Pain
- Adjusted Blighted Sludge-Spewers visual effects to easily distinguish them from Disgusting Refuse.
Items and Rewards
- The Great Vault’s Stygia reward is now more detailed about how much Stygia it provides.
- Corrected an issue that caused some item levels on rewards granted from World Quests to not keep pace with character progress correctly.
- The “Glowing Gift” trinket claimed from defeating the Greench should now scale to a more appropriate item level.
- Momentum Redistributor Boots has had its damage capped at 20% of the player’s health. It has also been given a 5 minute cooldown.
Player versus Player
- Battlegrounds
- [With regional restarts] Level 60 non-player enemies in Alterac Valley should now be appropriately powerful and dangerous.
- Fixed an issue where “Field Seance” couldn’t be accepted while in a group.
- Ardenweald
- Fixed an issue where defeating Thulsketha the Binder would not provide credit for the quest “A Swift Intervention.”
- Players can now complete “Witch’s Satchel” while “Terrors in Tirna Scithe” World Quest is active.
- Bastion
- Players on or eligible for the Bastion quest “Fruit of the Gods” can now see Elios in Hero’s Rest.
- Threads of Fate
- The quests “Bolstering Bastion”, “Rallying Maldraxxus”, “Support the Court”, and “Reinforcing Revendreth” will now be pushed to players in Threads of Fate mode who enter the appropriate corresponding level-up dungeon.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the respawn of feeding rituals during the Shadehounds Hunt to not respawn.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Refuge of the Damned and Shrouded buffs now have a stealth visual effect.
- Empowered Imperial Consular’s Shadow Bolt Volley damage decreased by 40%.
- The starting Anima Cell can now be reset after clearing the first floor (was after killing the final boss on the layer).
- Anima Powers
- Death Knight
- Twisted Hellchoker is no longer strong enough to charm The Tarragrue.
- Monk
- Resolved an issue that prevented Stroke of Elegance from reducing the cooldown of Celestial Brew.
- Death Knight
Source: Blizzard