Athem Patch 1.04 has been released, we have all the details for the new update. What has changed with the new Anthem patch? Below you will find the complete patch notes 1.04.
The update is 3.4 Gb in size, on the PS4.
Whether all problems with Anthem have been resolved is currently unclear, here is a list of known bugs and bug fixes.
Anthem Patch 1.04 – Changelog
- The tethering timer for missions has been increased. Players should now have more time to catch up to their Squad before seeing a countdown timer.
- The Swarm Tyrant encounter in the Tyrant Mine Stronghold can no longer be reset by the entire Squad exiting to the main menu and rejoining the session in progress.
- Players are no longer able to reopen chests that had already been looted in Strongholds.
What the point of this patches. The game was already out for quite a while. I wanted to fix the gun and attribute system. And there no way I can see any stats of my mech suit. Common there way too many bugs in the system and crashes this is just a waste.
Umm.. No one “needs” to glitch. The only people glitching are children who can’t control themselves. Those of us who want the game last longer than 2 weeks are playing legit.
I love the game, just wish they would do something about the loading screens. That’s my only gripe, small one
Bishop and Saint, if you care to comment about stuff, at least read up before doing so. They’ve already addressed your gripes which will be dealt with either today or tomorrow. Lazy whiners
Agreed no real bug fixes…but let’s patch an exploit bug. . wtf getting commons on GM1 shameful
That 3 things all? If they just push up the damn drops they dont need to glitch ,cheese and exploit
Theyve already fucking commented on the loot change to come today or the first – whine about it some more